Anthing I can do when I have a chest infection??

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My son has had a chest infection and it now seems I have it - very painful night - off to GP in a mo. My levels have been high for the last 3 days and I am guessing this is due to the infection - As a Type 2 on Glucophage - 4 in the morning and Gliclazide - 1 before evening meal is there anthing I can do with regards to my medication to bring these levels down - regulary 9 and 10 before food?? I gather those who inject can alter their medication - can we tablet takers do that??
It is more difficult when taking tablets to adjust for highs. See the doctor and see what he/she advises. Hopefully you will get something for the infection.

In the mean time make sure you drink plenty of low sugar and sugar free fluids. I hope you all feel better soon
Hi Caroline, sorry to hear that you are poorly. Can't offer any advice I'm afraid, since I am one of those 'lucky' people who can adjust their insulin. You should discuss the metformin/glucophage with your doctor though, as there is a risk of lactic acidosis when taking it when you are ill (some doctors don't seem to be aware of this - AlisonM can attest to this).

Hope you are feeling better soon, keep well hydrated and this may help a little.
Well I'm back from the doc - Told her my plan of action with testing my sugars to eliminate foods that trigger highs and the fact that the readings have been high the last couple of days. With a rather vague look she replied hopefully when the infection has gone things will settle down :( - No new advice there then - I asked about medication to which she replied best to leave it to see what happens!! - Oh if things get really bad I'm to go to A&E over the weekend!! - tested on return and they are now down to 10, 2 hours after breakfast ( being 13.4 before) 🙂
I hope you are OK over the weekend and things don't get so bad you need A&E.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Hope thing get better soon and you dont have to go to A&E over the weekend
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