another weekend wasted!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Im so tired, its ridiculous, im just turning 25 and i feel about 125!!

im so fed up of feeling like i cant keep my eyes open.

What id give for just a few days normal blood sugars and normal sleep . . . . :confused:

(ok rant over - sorry guys! 🙂)
Sorry you've been feeling down. It's been a pretty gloomy day here. I really don't like this time of year - roll on Spring!!!
Roll on Friday will do me 🙂
Viki - for what it is worth, you are not alone, I could not have described how I feel any better

Feeling so very tired all the time, like I have been unplugged, and am running on empty

Hopefully, my hospital appointment (yet to be advised) will resolve the situation.

Again, as they say, keep taking the pills.

Take care, Hazel
I think most diabetics get bad days or weeks. I go through bad spells like you have described to. The worst bit is usually when you have to go to work feeling like total ~### and nobody understands! Your not alone, chin up, the sun never shines on closed doors and other cliches. Hope u feel better soon. 🙂
i used to feel like that all the time viki!!!! it is horrid, but keep smiling as it will all work out. have you been under more pressure lately?? i know for me it is pressure that causes me to go all yuki. so i got told by my dn to start doing something that makes me feel happy and good when i got this way. so i started to run again, it is the best thing i could have done. hope you figure it out soon.

Hi all
It's difficult but I try and blame my tiredness on other things rather than the diabetes - usually my overactive teenager who needs dropping off and picking up most days/evenings or getting up early on weekends for walking the dog! That way I feel I'm tired like a "normal" person - although deep down I know the real reason.
Obviously i am very new to all this (son type1) as its only been 7 weeks, but can someone explain to me why people with diabetes feel so tired? I havent noticed that Alex is any more tired than he used to be. Bev
I find that setting goals helps - concentrating on what needs doing or what I will enjoy doing eg this weekend, I organised an activity birthday party for 8 x 4 year olds at a country park, which involved 7 miles cycling round trip, had haggis on Sat eve due to lodger and children being around and partner's departure on Sun, delivered partner to head off to work overseas for about 6 weeks, then returned to park to see colleagues and avoid going back to empty house, although I did sort the rubbish for recycling collection this morning. Vacuuming etc can wait!
I blamed my tiredness on other things for a long time. I was checked for sleep anpoea and had an operation on my sinuses , but it still didn't improve. In the end I was diagnosed with severe depression which seemed to be the root cause (and probably the most difficult to resolve)

Have you spoken to you doctor about the problem? There can be lots of other causes for tiredness such as anemia that they can check out. (If you can get your doctor to listen)
Roll on Friday will do me 🙂

Hi Viki, sorry you feel like this, totally know how you feel!

When do you get the pump, is it Friday?? heres hoping things improve for you very soon. x
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Hi, I hope you're feeling better. Agree on getting things checked out if your doctor will listen.

Every so often I go through a bad patch where I get every cough cold and earache going. I get an appointment with my doctor each time and each time after a week he says go back to work and I still feel like manuer.

Luckily at work I have a supportive manager and after a bout of being poorly I get put on light/desk duties for a week or two.

Sometimes it pays to be persistent with your doctor and if you can get moral support from another professional that will help too.
my doctor is rubbish! last time i went in she said "oh is it your tonsils again?" fine, except i had these removed 4 yrs ago before i was even diagnosed!

and this is the doctor that misdiagnosed me with a kidney infection (by phone i might add) when i was entering DKA. so i dont have a great deal of faith in her. My hospital team are much better though, ill definately have a chat with them about it.

I know im tired because my blood sugars are all over the place, swinging between low 3s to in the 20s, this is nothing new for me but for the last three weeks the tiredness has been constant, i slept from 7pm sat eve all the way through till 11am on sunday!! i dont mind missing hours and hours if its alcohol induced (just kidding🙂) but when all ive done is walked the dogs for an hour i like a few more hours of daylight!!

I get the pump on feb 10th so heres hoping i start seeing some gradual improvement soon, until then i wonder how long it would take for people to notice if i had a little snooze at my desk . . . . . !! :D
When I had ronsilitus in my late 20's my then doctor said it is possible to get tonsilitus on the scars. I still don't know if this wasa cop out, but a course of antibiotics and a certificate for three weeks off sorted things out.

At least you have us, I always feel better knowing there is support from these forums.
completley understand how you are feeling, I'm so tired at the moment and facing 5 days at work- have to work saturday too. I have annual leave 2nd week of Feb and can't wait to have the time off.
Hope you can stay postive and look forward to Pday!

Just wondering have you ever had your thyroid checked. Hashimotos thyroiditis (underactive) goes hand in hand with 40% of type 1 diabetic sufferers. I am one of those lucky people. I always had headache when I did manage to drag my carcass out of bed. Then I felt like sleeping all day and was so lethargic and couldn't be bothered with anything. Then come night time I couldn't get to sleep.
Just a thought
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