Another self pitying rant. Sorry.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Had my first diabetic MOT this morning.
First I take the day off as the eye drops mean I can't drive for 3 hours.
Get there only to be told. "Oh no we let the hospital do the eye tests now".
Arghhhh 1 days holiday down the pan.
HBA1C 7.7 which isn't too bad as it covers some time before diagnosis.
Cholesterol 4.1 adain pretty good.
Weight NOT GONE DOWN! Arghhhh how can it not have gone down? If REALLY watched what I ate. Frustrated is an understantment.
Next " You qualify for gastric surgery if you want it".
No thank you! Unless it is life or death. I'll do my damnedest to get rid of it naturally before I go under the knife.
So I used some of the spare time I had this morning to ring the gym at my local college, managed to book an induction course this morning, joined up and am off there in a minute for my first work out so not a completely wasted day.

Sorry for the self pitying nature of this post but was VERY down when I came out of the surgery. But taking the first step of joining the gym and venting on here has done the trick and I feel far more positive again now .

The support of this site is invaluable to me and much appreciated.

So thanks if you've managed to keep reading to the bottom and again apologies but it feels so much better once you can vent it out.

Hi Chris,

It is horrible when you feel that you havent achieved your goal isnt it?

BUT - your hba1c isnt awful and neither is your cholestrol! You should be pleased with yourself!🙂

And as for being so positive and heading straight to the gym - THATS WONDERFUL!!!!

You should be praising yourself tonight for being so strong willed to want to try to do this naturally! I think your very motivated and it takes a lot to join a gym if you feel down - so well done. Your allowed to rant on here so feel free!
The exercise (no matter how little) will help give you the 'happy hormones' and will help you along to losing weight. You WILL get there - and if it is without the help of surgery - then all the better! See this as a start - but dont beat yourself up if you find it hard to begin with, tiny amounts of exercise do make a difference!
Good luck and stay positive.🙂Bev x
hey Chris that hbA is not disasterous and like bev said i hae seen alot worse chlestoral results then that x I hope you get on well regarding the gym this is a good move and im sure you will start to reap the rewards, all you can do is try your best you will get there , i wish you loads of luck and keep smiling and stay positive x
Yes, I read to the bottom!! Poor You. Hope you got on okay at the gym so your day off wasn't totally wasted. GRRRRR on your behalf.

And I'm RIGHT there with you on the weight thing. My eating habits have changed SO dramatically that by rights the weight should be dropping off me, considering what I was eating before, and how much junk I've cut out of my diet, but no, those pounds are clinging on to me like sh*t to a blanket, as the saying goes, and I'm probably only losing about 1lb a fortnight if I'm lucky. With about 5 - 6 stone to lose, it's gonna be a l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g haul !!

Hope you have a good evening.

Your numbers are excellent. Well done for that. 🙂 🙂 🙂

In relation to your gym membership, it might be worth asking your GP if you can get a discount. In my neck of the woods, I get a reduced rate at my local council gym because my GP filled in a form stating I had diabetes and was borderline high BP (I'm not sure if the diabetes on its own would have got it) - there aren't many advantages so we need to take the ones we can get. :D

Good luck - and remember that when you join a gym, you might not lose weight quickly because the muscle you start to build up weighs more than the fat you get rid of! (Also make sure you don't do too much too soon and hurt yourself.)
Don't apologise. After a day like that you're entitled to feel a bit sorry for yourself. You're doing it right, never mind them.
Hi Chris - great numbers! Your cholesterol is pretty much spot on what they ask of you, and the HbA1c will certainly be lower next time, I'm sure of it!

Well done on joining the gym. My advice, for what it's worth, is not to do too much too quickly. Have they got personal trainer sessions there? At my last gym you could book 'free' (i.e. included in the membership) sessions. A good trainer will show you the best machines for you to work on, how many reps/how long etc. so you can build up gradually. I wish you the best!

And, do not feel as though you were whingeing! When I read your post I saw it as a very positive message - that you had been disappointed, and were now taking positive steps to improve things! Excellent! 🙂
Chris - what a day for you! I'm not surprised that you felt down. Just wanted to say there is light at the end of a very long tunnel though - took me 9 months to get my HbA1c from 10.1 to 6.5 and to lose about 10 lbs and then I began to turn the corner. Still took me just over another year to battle away at finding what works for me - at least at the moment - and to get the good results I've had today. Had some real rants in that time too as this diabetes thing can be so frustrating

Hope your workout went well - I know I always feel better after some exercise but even so struggle to find the commitment to keep it up

Good luck
Chris these all all good levels for where you are ...remember its better to do it slowly so your body gets used to these changes and adapts without too much pain...and please rant away it really helps and it doesnt matter in this forum!
Hi Chris!

Well done on the numbers 🙂

Sorry you haven't lost any weight, I know it is soo difficult! I'm glad you are determained to work at it and try lose it the natural way first. Like Northe said, it would be good if you could get a personal trainer at the gym so that you start off slow and build the exercise up each time, otherwise you just start maintaining the same amount everytime you go.

Let us know how you get on, hope the gym works out for you!
I'm on the same wavelength

Chris! I've just spent forever typing about a message that says (almost) the exact same thing! I'm also feeling like poo after my first MOT, also set off my lack of success at losing weight.. If you're anything like me, it's a comfort knowing your'e not the only one. I'm gonna say cheer up anyway, even if i don't feel that way myself, but i'll give it a go if you will.

Ps. i learnt about the eye drops the hard way, i tried to go back to work good, i had freaky dilated pupils and blurry vision for the rest of the afternoon. Next year, i'm taking the day off.

Hi All,

Just wanted to come on and say thanks for the messages of support.
It REALLY does mean a lot to me so THANKS!
I've just got in from doing 40 mins in the gym on different machines and am now sweaty and KNACKERED!😛

But I have to say the view from the moral high ground is a good one.

I'm looking at it that it's 40 more minutes than I would have done so has to be good.

With you guys routing for me I know I can do it.

Thank you all!

whoop, well done chris 🙂

It's more than ive done today! im too tired, might do some crunches later, but that's about it!
well done Chris remember ...we all need a good rant!! :D
chris - it's great that you're taking positive steps to get the situation in hand! and i really, really like your attitude of losing weight naturally!! :D i really need to lose some weight, not a massive amount, probably between 1 - 2 stones, but at the moment i have such a crappy lifestyle (wake up - work - come home and cook something quickly - bed - repeat) that i am struggling.

good stuff though 🙂 i hope it works for you!
same here shiv, i really want to lose about the same as you, it's so difficult though :(
its well difficult especially when your trying to balance your blood sugars aswell...but remember we are all in it together.. i need to loose 1 more stone but most importantly maintain it as a normal weight...ive lost all the weight before but didnt maintain the loss in fact put on more eventually because I felt very denied,... this time i understand it alot more, i know that its going to become normal ...because this time its because i know it will make me feel feel better...not ill all the time, not sleepy,,,
Geeez ChrisP, I would be pretty naffed off to given that run down! I suprised you didnt implode! Bloody nightmare, but hey- really great stats!

I hope you are pleased with yourself. Sometimes we get great consultations and sometimes they are crap. Yours was clearly crap but thats whats so impressive is that you got the motivation out of it and a damn good workout! You achieved in one day what it took me years to do, join the gym! But I love it now. Hope you enjoy it too.

Well done mate. Pat on the back 😉
chris - it's great that you're taking positive steps to get the situation in hand! and i really, really like your attitude of losing weight naturally!! :D i really need to lose some weight, not a massive amount, probably between 1 - 2 stones, but at the moment i have such a crappy lifestyle (wake up - work - come home and cook something quickly - bed - repeat) that i am struggling.

good stuff though 🙂 i hope it works for you!

eek me too, its difficult when you get in that cycle isn't it? Since leaving uni i've put on so much weight its unreal!!!

Well done on getting to the gym though Chris, its more than I would ever do 😉 And great numbers too, I know your A1C will be lower next time :D
Hey Chris,

Well done on turning a crappy morning into a really positive day.

Glad to hear its nice up there on the gym fuelled moral high ground, maye ill join you healthy lot one day . . . . 🙄

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