another seizure

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i this morning suffered yet another seizure my third in the eleven weeks i have been type 2. i saw my g p last week and she has booked me to see a neurologist, whom i see on the 15th january.

there have been a lot of simularities between my seizures these are that i have always gone rigid before the fit, have then fitted at 5.30am the fits are always about 2 minutes long, and when i awake i feel violently sick and hav e a pounding headache. and on the last two fits i have bitten down on my tongue

i am really scared about what the neurologist will find, and what is wrong with me. i will update you all once i have been for the appointment.


thankyou all for listening.
Hope everything goes ok. Hopefully you are taking someone with you for the support, obviously it is very upsetting for you and understandably so.

Have you had a scan as yet?

Wishing you well sweety x
hi there Angie i think we would all be feeling the same as you hun, such a worrying time , like sugarbum said i hope you are either taking a family member or a freind these things often need someone there for support xxx

I hope it all goes well and you must report back to us

All the best

in answer to your questions, i am taking my wonderful husband with me, who is the ony one who has witnessed my seizures, and yes i have had an MRI scan. but have not had any results yet.

thanks angie
in answer to your questions, i am taking my wonderful husband with me, who is the ony one who has witnessed my seizures, and yes i have had an MRI scan. but have not had any results yet.

thanks angie

bigs hugs angie and good luck lets hope they can get to the bottom of all this x
I know a couple of people who have regular check ups with the neurologist. One has epilepsy and has had it for many years, and with treatment is able to lead a normal life and live independently. The neurologist will take a 'case history' and ask all kinds of health related questions. This is where hubby comes in as the neurologist will want to know what happens during the seizures. There will probably also be a scan too, if you haven't already had one.

When you see the neurologist make a note of anything you want to know and take a pad and pencil with you, then you or hubby can write down anything you need to remember, like instructions.

It is possible your body is getting used to the new sugar levels and will settle down in time. At least you are getting things sorted out and whatever it is causing the seizures, it can be treated and you'll be able to live a normal life.

I'm sure everything will work out well for you, but good luck anyway.
I can imagine how stressful and worrying it must be for you. My other half was under a neurologist and had an MRI,Ct, EEG and they all came back nprmal which was good for us, and the problems have resolved.

I hope that your appointment comes through soon and you get some answers soon. Have they started you on any medication yet?
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