Another one...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well I thought I'd follow a trend and post a guess my Hba1c thread.
Gave blood today told I should have results within the week, and if bad doc will want to see me🙄

Diagnosed Nov 08
11/08 10.8
02/09 6.9
08/09 6.6
12/09 6.0
06/10 ?.?

I don't think it can be any lower as I've had trouble I think exiting the honeymonster period not terrible control but just a lot more highs than before!

And this time the prize will be a pint of ice cold sweet cider if you're a the Brighton meet, if not you suggest!!

Cheers (and thanks for being there I know I haven't been around so much lately but I don't forget about you guys/gals!😉)

I reckon 6.5%. Had mine done yesterday too, certainly not expecting to be anywhere near that!!
5.9 rossi ....and i'll save the pint till i see you next !!!
I will stick with 6.0 but don't know if you have lost weight or doing more exercise, etc.
I'll go for 6.2. Mine's due and I'll reckon it'l be an 8 - control not so good at the mo, up and down like a yo-yo. good luck rossi!!
I'd just like to test something here.

In theory, if we take the average of the guesses, it may be fairly close to what you actually get.

Perhaps it won't be too accurate here, because we're guessing from incomplete information.

Oh, by the way, if the average is correct, I claim my glass of sweet cider in absentia! :D

(even if that does mean that I had two guesses!)😉

I'm going to go for 5.8% good luck with the results🙂 x
I'm gonna be really optimistic on your behalf and go 5.7......when is the Brighton meet btw?
I will go with 6.1 good luck x
Well if there's a cider in it at the Brighton meet 😉 ...

I'm going to guess 5.9% ...good luck with the results...

Bernie x
When are the results in?

I reckon 6.1. Im flamming jelous too...
We'll folks the results are in and the pintage goes to Andy HB! I'm happy and I hope Andy is too! I think I could have phoned up for the results last week, but I forgot about them!
We'll folks the results are in and the pintage goes to Andy HB! I'm happy and I hope Andy is too! I think I could have phoned up for the results last week, but I forgot about them!

Well? I'm waiting expectantly at this end and nothing's arrived yet! 🙂


"I won? But, I never win anything!"


"Darn it! I should have used my luck ration and bought a lottery ticket instead".

Andy 🙂

p.s. Oh, by the way, congrats on the result yourself.
soooo it was a 6.4 you my HbA1c twinnie rossi ...good bottle of single malt (or cider) to celebrate eh ???
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