Hi im Julie. type 2 diagnosed nearly 4 years ago. I had loads of problems taking metformin and gliclizide and never controlled my BS. I started Humulin insulin in july and am now taking 26units. BS ranging from 2.2 to 18.0. most of the time im ok with diet ect but as you can see I have a sweet tooth that im finding it difficult to deal with as im also quite a depressive. I find it very helpful reading all your posts and am learning a lot. As a nurse I thought I knew about diabetes, but what a shock to find out how little I did know or understand. I now need to ask my GP if im LADA 1.5 as its all very confusing. I don't feel as though I fit the type 2 explanations so its worth asking. Any advise on diet or anything would be very welcome. Julie