another mini meltdown

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
over the past few weeks i have been on the x pert course...i kinda dont know where to start... well some of you may know that the docs changed my tablets from gliterzide to the slow realease gliterzide (sorry bad Spelling) as i kept going into hypos anyway i kept my record of what i ate and also my b s reading everything had levelled out and the doc was happy and was only to test twice a week.....guess what my blood sugar started going to pots again and ended going to the out of hours last friday as my o h had enough as my reading was in the low 4s and had a string of hypos...

the doc attertude was that i had to eat more i didnt go back to my own doc this week as he is on holiday and i feel that i am now never away from my doc and d nurse..

my nurse from the x pert course phoned me yesterday to let me know my new hba1c results and i had a mini meltdown on the phone as i had friends coming over and thought i better take a reading before they arrived/eating and my b s was 3.2 and i didnt have any signs of a hypo and i asked my family if they saw signs and they didnt ......cant figure that i took a string of hypos in the 4 and not 1 in the 3s

i have figured out myself over the past week that this is not worth the hassell and live with the hypos and keep quiet as i already feel as a pain in the back side to my docs but on the other hand what when my bs in the 3s or lower with no signs:confused:
I hope you're feeling better. This diabetes thing is a pain at the best of times. We all have mini melt downs.

Your doctor sounds about as good as mine, but he is there to look after us. I have to be VERY persistent with my doctor just to get essential information like test results.

It is your health and you are worth it, so don't ever feel guilty about pestering the doctor. He gets paid to look after you.

I was supposed to see my GP lastnight, but I got a call to say my appointment had to be changed to an hour later. When I got down there my own doctor had decided to upsricks and go on holiday, leaving the receptionists withthe task of fitting everyone in with new appointments at short notice. The doctor I did see was much better than my own and I felt I'd been listened to, so you are not alone with a rubbish doctor. Is there another doctor in the practice you can see, or is it only a small practice?
Hi there,

Don't live with the hypos and don't be quiet! 🙂

Try to get to a point where your medication and food intake is balanced for what you need. Whilst you're using gliclazide, that implies that your pancreas can still produce insulin. You should be able to get your diabetes under control with a little more help from your GP.

It may also be that you need to change your medication again (perhaps to metformin - but that is also best being discussed with your GP).

i started my diagnose of diabetes with metforman and still taken it along with glitazide.....totaly given up with it all feel like im testing every couple of hours i dont think im that bad but might be getting there thinking about buying more tests strips rather than going back to doc for another scrip as i got a new one last week and nearly done already testing about 5 times a day
Testing that frequently, should be giving you lots of good information to put in front of your GP when you next see them.

Make sure you also record what you've been eating and what exercise you've been doing (just for now, until you can establish a regime that works for you).

The gliclazide is the one that's pushing you into hypo territory, so you need to be talking to your GP about that.

Hope it gets sorted soon,

hi take your test results to the gp to show them that your are serious about trying to understand your bs on a daily basis and are working out what makes you high or low the moment you are still experimenting and eventually when you are on a level you may feel you can reduce your testing but only when you feel ready x good luck
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