Another Libre milestone achieved...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Straight out of the shower, skin swabbed Libre applied. Walk out of the bedroom...whack on the side of the door frame. My first loss to a door frame. OH well. I've read about other's doing it now it's my turn but I'll be one short now till I can order another prescription. I'm guessing that's an operator error?
Funny how you never brush or bump a doorway in your life until you put a Libre on. I think they have some sort of magnetic pull which causes it. I've very occasionally stubbed my toe but really don't think I had a problem with shoulders/arms until I got Libre. My Libre arm strap has been really helpful in protecting it from clothing and doorways and scrubbing it off in the shower since I got it. Well worth the investment for me. It is worth contacting Abbott and trying for a replacement. You didn't intentionally pull it off.
Part of this problem is that they insist that it should be worn on the arm. It would likely be less vulnerable if you could apply it elsewhere on the body.
Straight out of the shower, skin swabbed Libre applied. Walk out of the bedroom...whack on the side of the door frame. My first loss to a door frame. OH well. I've read about other's doing it now it's my turn but I'll be one short now till I can order another prescription. I'm guessing that's an operator error?
Who even thought door frames were an obstacle?

I'm guessing that's an operator error?

Of course not.
"The sensor 'stopped working' and I have no idea why, please send a replacement."
Who even thought door frames were an obstacle?

I'm guessing that's an operator error?

Of course not.
"The sensor 'stopped working' and I have no idea why, please send a replacement."
You do know why though, it’s because Peely walked into a door frame so you of course would not lie and say that.
It's certainly an option
I don’t agree that lying is an option, firstly it’s wrong, secondly you won’t have the error codes to provide. Be honest and see what they say.
I don’t agree that lying is an option, firstly it’s wrong, secondly you won’t have the error codes to provide. Be honest and see what they say.
The error codes will be correct for a sensor that stops collecting data. Abbott returns dept are just ticking boxes. The rest is up to the OP.
The error codes will be correct for a sensor that stops collecting data. Abbott returns dept are just ticking boxes. The rest is up to the OP.
Unless it took the OP an hour to walk through the door, the sensor had not yet completed the warm up. It can’t “suddenly stop collecting data and I have no idea why” if you’ve walked into a doorframe knocking it off before it’s even warmed up.
When sensor is applied its more likely to come unstuck when knocked I'm sure, was told this with Omnipod pump that pod adhesive becomes stronger when worn for while due to body temp warming it up.

Bet removing sensor shortly after applying is easier than after 14 days so kinda makes sense one would think.
Unless it took the OP an hour to walk through the door, the sensor had not yet completed the warm up. It can’t “suddenly stop collecting data and I have no idea why” if you’ve walked into a doorframe knocking it off before it’s even warmed up.
"It didn't even start collecting data, I have no idea why"
"It didn't even start collecting data, I have no idea why"
But we do know why. I wouldn’t dream of claiming. I dropped a sensor into a washbasin once, after I'd connected it up and it was ready to insert, and the spring detonated and fired the inserter into the air.
I took it on the chin and thought, stupid clumsy me, whereas I assume some people might have rung Abbott and said 'your sensors are really difficult to grip if you’re elderly, and I couldn’t grasp it properly.' As I do plenty of things that involve having a good grasp, I couldn’t claim that was in any way true.
I agree, I rang Abbott and told them I had attached a sensor and that it didn't start.
I had attached the sensor, and it did not start.
Abbott sent a replacement.

I had a sensor finish early, after 7 days. Abbott sent a replacement. A subsequent sensor finished after 5 days, I didn't ring Abbott as I figured we were even.
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