another kick in the teeth re my pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just had a phone call from my DSN re a pump

she spoke to the proff guy, and he has said NO i don't meet the guidelines (WHAT?!) because of my good HbA1C. Yet, despite me explaining countless times of my swinging sugars, and quite frankly nasty hypos THAT I DONT KNOW ARE COMING, they aren't listening to me. And despite the fact I have this nueropathy, THEY DON'T CARE

I hate this. I HATE IT

She has said I have to discuss things in march when I go. That's all well and good but I'll likely not be anywhere near southampton come march.

What should I do? Deliberately get my HbA1C higher and start having nastier hypos?

I can't deal with this anymore. I am about to have a total break down over it
You're entitled to a second opinion, why not seek one, but make sure from a completely different hospital and consultant with no ties to your existing hospital.

It will mean probably they'd want to take over your care so they can monitor you and see how your profile fits.
You're entitled to a second opinion, why not seek one, but make sure from a completely different hospital and consultant with no ties to your existing hospital.

It will mean probably they'd want to take over your care so they can monitor you and see how your profile fits.

this WAS my second opinion after dealing with b***h doctor last time. Well, we're moving soon, I'll go to a new hospital and I will fight this.

I'm SO upset over it. My DSN sounded really quite upset too :(
Eastbourne DGH my dear. Dr Bending and Dr Lipscomb are very understanding people who will fight your corner.
what do they want me to do? deliberately let myself go so hypo once a week or so that i end up in hospital? They obviously want my HbA1C higher, despite the fact its only so low through the sheer amount of hypos i was having.


I am so so so so upset over this. Bless my dsn, she sounded so so so upset about it to. And she suggested that I keep a diary of what things go wrong and when to shove in that arses face when and if i go in march. It's doubtful, as i may have moved away. But still.
Sam, you need to speak to John Davis at INPUT. If you really want a pump - he is the man to get you one.:DBev
Sam, you need to speak to John Davis at INPUT. If you really want a pump - he is the man to get you one.:DBev

thanks bev, do you have contact details for him?
Sam poor thing 😡 for you...if you and matt are thinking of moving could you do a little research into local Diabetic care and see which area is best ... aswell instead of having to keep another diary could you not cut and paste all your posts from here and your blogs etc and stick them all together as evidence of the 6months/year etc ...just a thoughts big hugs
Hi Sam, I dont have anything to say but just wanted to send you (((Hugs))) x
could do a survey on here ...we have people from all over ...Northe is it possible
could do a survey on here ...we have people from all over ...Northe is it possible

I think any member can set up a poll - when you set up a new thread, scroll down to the additional options before posting to 'post a poll'😉
um find a good place for sam to move to!! no...... level of care though out country ...have to think of how to word it ....brain connecting....
what are your thoughts Sam
um find a good place for sam to move to!! no...... level of care though out country ...have to think of how to word it ....brain connecting....
what are your thoughts Sam

:( sarcasm huh
ooooo sounds like a plan :D Good idea am :D

Also the getting all my posts together from here for the diary is utterly brill!
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