Another Hypo

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
1.7! I was cold and shaking and sick. Bro had to call NHS Direct at 3am and they sent an ambulance out. I didn't get carted off to hospital though as it was on the way back up and they treated me here. Half a bottle of Lucozade (Yeuch!!!) and I shot up to 10.3. I feel like death warmed up now. Oh and it's been snowing here again.
1.7! I was cold and shaking and sick. Bro had to call NHS Direct at 3am and they sent an ambulance out. I didn't get carted off to hospital though as it was on the way back up and they treated me here. Half a bottle of Lucozade (Yeuch!!!) and I shot up to 10.3. I feel like death warmed up now. Oh and it's been snowing here again.

Blimey they is a trend then Alison there becoming regular now are they not? Are you to get in touch with your GP.I had a 3.9 yesterday did not get the severity of your symptoms but it aint nice xxxxhugs

p,s go your bro good lad x
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Hi Alison, hope you feel batter soon. They really take it out of you. 1.7 is low and they are not nice when they hit that low. Glad your brother was there to help. Hope you feel better soon. x
Yes, I spoke to the doc after lunch, she says to keep records (still no strips though, I asked😡). We may have to change my meds again if it keeps up. The problem is I'm on a bit of a roller coater at the mo, going from really low to really high for no apparent reason. In the meantime, I'm to start taking the Sitagliptin in the morning instead of at night and see that makes a difference.
Yes, I spoke to the doc after lunch, she says to keep records (still no strips though, I asked😡). We may have to change my meds again if it keeps up. The problem is I'm on a bit of a roller coater at the mo, going from really low to really high for no apparent reason. In the meantime, I'm to start taking the Sitagliptin in the morning instead of at night and see that makes a difference.

Cant be nice for you to deal with though or your body up and down like a yo-yo , if the new regime with the Sitagliptin dint get you results then something needs doing for you hun.You need some sort of steadiness
Hi Alison, sorry to hear about the hypo :( 1.7 is about my lowest ever, I really can't see how they can justify not giving you test strips if you are subject to hypos, especially if they can drop as low as this. Hope you are starting to feel a little better and that changing the timing of the dose helps.

And snow as well? It's MAY for goodnes sake! Thought it was a bit chilly when we passed through your town on the Challenge today - Brrrrr!!!! 😱
Hi Alison, sorry to hear about the hypo :( 1.7 is about my lowest ever, I really can't see how they can justify not giving you test strips if you are subject to hypos, especially if they can drop as low as this. Hope you are starting to feel a little better and that changing the timing of the dose helps.

And snow as well? It's MAY for goodnes sake! Thought it was a bit chilly when we passed through your town on the Challenge today - Brrrrr!!!! 😱

That was like sooo five minutes ago.😎 It's hailstones now!

1.7 is my lowest too, I don't want to do that again anytime soon.
Yes, I spoke to the doc after lunch, she says to keep records (still no strips though, I asked😡). We may have to change my meds again if it keeps up. The problem is I'm on a bit of a roller coater at the mo, going from really low to really high for no apparent reason. In the meantime, I'm to start taking the Sitagliptin in the morning instead of at night and see that makes a difference.

Unstable bgs are said to be a possible signal that the honeymoon is coming to an end.
Could be Reactive Hypoglycemia as well.
Can I ask how your Dr expects you to keep records if he/she isn't going to provide strips. Having several hypos should be enough of a reason. Is there another GP at the practice that you can talk too ?

It sounds like a complaint to your PCT is in order.
It's the PCT's decision that unless you're on insulin, you don't get strips. There are a couple of challenges to this policy under way just now, but sadly, the new SIGN guidelines (Scotland's version of NICE) are pretty useless in this regard so we don't hold out much hope. So far all our arguments have fallen on deaf ears.
Sorry to read this- how bloody awful? I really hope you feel better.

How did you know you were 1.7? Was that from the ambulance? Thats simply awful that you went through that without knowing you were that low for so long?

Take care hon- I am glad your bro was there x
Sorry to read this- how bloody awful? I really hope you feel better.

How did you know you were 1.7? Was that from the ambulance? Thats simply awful that you went through that without knowing you were that low for so long?

Take care hon- I am glad your bro was there x

My brother heard me being sick and he tested me. Then the ambulance man checked too.
My word, Alison, thats dreadful! Went back through your posts and cant see what meds you're on , but if you're not on insulin and get that low, somethings up! Maybe Byetta?? I just cant understand your not getting testing strips with hypos like this - crazy!! Glad you're ok and that you had your brother there to help.
I'm just astonished at this.
Alison - do you know what the DVLA's thoughts are on Byetta ? Maybe they have not thought about it.

I think you should speak to your Dr again and say that your medication is causing hypos and in order to ensure that you are not likely to have a hypo when driving you need to be able to test. If you have a hypo whilst driving you need to know that your sugars have got back to normal and then wait at least 45 minutes non-hypo - how are you supposed to know ?

You could try arguing that as a 1.5 the recommendations haven't been written for you.
ally i missed this earlier ..glad it went up again xxx take care 🙂
No I'm not on any form of insulin... yet. I've been on Glucophage (slow release Metformin) and Sitagliptin since I got the new diagnosis in March, about two months. The Sitagliptin can cause hypos though it's less common than with the sulphonylureas. I was initially told to take it at night, but from today I'm to take it in the morning and we'll see how that works out over the next month. The real concern isn't the hypos, it's the roller coaster way my numbers are behaving. It's as though my body doesn't know what to do. It may be that I'd be more stable on some form of insulin. Woke this morning at 8.1 and have come down to 6.4 half an hour ago.
I don't drive these days Marge anyway, I don't even know where my licence is. I spent many years in London where there was no need and I walk or get the bus here too.
That is low, i was similar the other sunday now how you feel 😱
Its a real problem not to be able to have the tools to monitor where you are with your blood sugars. I dont know how many strips you get Alison, but would say just enough to cover the basics - ie fasting and two hour post prandial- should be a minimum with any treatment that is likely to cause hypo's, and/or if your bgs are erratic. The cost of a hospital admission would quickly cancel out any savings made on strips.
I've only been on insulin for 10 weeks and was previously on gliclazide and metformin. I did get hypos on the tablets, but never as low as you're experiencing now. However, my first weeks on insulin were extremely erratic, with many very high numbers and some lows. Lots of testing showed me why these were happening and as a result the numbers are much more stable now.I still feel unease asking for more strips, as I frequently had to battle to get more. Its not a good situation for us, I know the strips are expensive, and unfortunately maybe people selling them online dont do us any favours in that regard.Those of us who use them responsibly bear the brunt of the few.
I hope you get sorted quickly. I'm still struggling to deal with insulin after a lifetime fear of ever having to use it. But onwards and upwards to us all - Lol.
Changing the times when I take my meds may help. I took my Sitagliptin in the morning yesterday and today and, while it's still to early to be sure, I didn't get really low overnight like I have been, I was 6.8 when I got up. The really high readings may have been caused by me overcompensating for the lows, I find it hard to gauge what to take, how much and how often.

I buy my strips off eBay regularly and have around 100 per month to play with. It's a real struggle finding the cash for them when you're on benefits.:(

Something came up at my Condition Management meeting today which may be a help in the long term, there's an initiative called Active Life that the doctor can refer me for. It's a gym thing where you are sent along to be assessed and the fitness bod works out an action plan for you, and you get access to the facilities free for a period of time (I don't know how long for). As I've said before though, my doctor is utterly useless, so I don't know if she'll refer me or not. She's supposed to call me tomorrow to discuss it. I would love something like this, especially swimming and the only reason I haven't signed up with a gym already is money, I don't got none.
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