Another guess the Hba1c

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I got my hba1c done a fortnight ago and I will get the result at the joint preggers/diabetes clinic this afternoon. My last one, in November, was 7.4. This one will have about 6 weeks of not knowing I was pregnant and 6 weeks of attempting tighter control after finding out. I REALLY hope it has gone down.

Fingers crossed for me.
6.8 is my guess :0) And congrats on the pregnancy how exciting :0) x
Hi rachelha,

Since you've been really trying then I'd say 5.9% - i.e. 5% Club.

Good luck and best wishes - John
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5.6 🙂 good luck
I'm sure your good work over the last six weeks will result in a good set of numbers, don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine. As a responsible adult you will not be able to help yourself from doing the right thing as the maternal instinct kicks in, and you will do all you can to protect and nurture the baby. Best of luck but I'm sure you won't need it. :D
I will go for 6.3 good luck x
Great I thought I had missed the chance of a guess, and winning tonights star prize, look what you could have won...

So I guess erm six six

and good luck with it all.

Great I thought I had missed the chance of a guess, and winning tonights star prize, look what you could have won...

So I guess erm six six

and good luck with it all.


Rossi - the late entry is a winner 6.6 it was. Almost what I had hoped for and this was taken when I had only known I was pregnant for 5 weeks so the next one should be lower.
Well done Rachelha! Keep on track! 5% Club next time!

Very best wishes - John
well done rachelha!! its always good to know that ur long term is in range especially when ur embarking on something as important as pregnancy :D

Is this ur first baby? I think they take my hba1c monthly at my clinic but dunno if its different with u, although im only across the water in fife so shouldnt think so really...

Hi Lou - yes it is my first pregnancy - v scary. I am not sure how often they take it, I will ask next time I see them. I guess it would be the same as you. I hope it is every month, it would be reassuring to know I am doing ok. Not long for you now - even more exciting. Is this your first too?
yeah, this is my first :D its a week on monday I go in, having a bit of bother with highs at the moment though! you have all that to come but hopefully u will be able to cope better :D was on phone to my DSN a little while ago and although overall im on 64 lantus a day (split) she wants me taking 28 humalog for breakfast 😱 (for a bowl of cereal) so crazy haha I was on 8 before pregnancy for a bowl of cereal but hey, I dont make the rules!!
Im sure they have done my hba1c monthly if not 3 weekly coz according to my notes ive had it done 9 times so far!
But as you say, its reassuring to know that it is improving throughout your pregnancy, which I have no doubt it will, just dont get into the 4% club like me coz they will give you such a hard time haha xxxx
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