Another guess the HbA1c

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Tomorrow morning I have blood taken for my second ever HbA1c. I must admit to being quite anxious about the result as I have put a huge effort into my diet since diagnosis in October last year, exercise regularly and have (hopefully) done all the right things. Anyway, some details to assist with the guesswork.

Weight then 17st 6lb (BMI 30.5). Weight now 14st 6lb (BMI 25.2).

Average fasting level 6.8mmol/l.

Average pre-meal level 5.8mmol/l.

Average post-meal level (2 hours) 6.3mmol/l.

Overall meter average 6.1mmol/l.

HbA1c then - 7.1%. HbA1c now.........
Looks promising. Over three months I would go for 6.1 but because I am unsure of the early part of treatment 6.3 this time.
My results are now in.

Cholesterol was 7.0mmol/L. Now 4.1mmol/L.

Trigs were 6.0 mmol/L. Now 1.2 mmol/L.

And now for the big one. HbA1c was 7.1%. Now 5.6%.

To say I am well pleased is a bit of an understatement.

Many thanks to all of you who pitched in with advice when I was newly diagnosed in October last year.
My results are now in.

Cholesterol was 7.0mmol/L. Now 4.1mmol/L.

Trigs were 6.0 mmol/L. Now 1.2 mmol/L.

And now for the big one. HbA1c was 7.1%. Now 5.6%.

To say I am well pleased is a bit of an understatement.

Many thanks to all of you who pitched in with advice when I was newly diagnosed in October last year.

WOW Cliff what fantastic results, well done and welcome to the 5% club :D x
That is totally fantastic well done Cliff all your hard work is paying off , all of us who guessed should of had more faith huh lol

Hope your going to celebrate in some way x.
Excellent Cliff! Well done - I don't mind getting it wrong when you come up with a number like that, it's the same as mine!:D

Bet they were pleased with the other numbers too!🙂
Bet they were pleased with the other numbers too!🙂

I guess so although I didn't get past the receptionist on the phone. Apparently the Dr says there's no need for me to go in for a review. A bit of a change from October last year when I declined a strong recommendation for statins and went down the diet/exercise route. To quote nursey at the surgery "Cholesterol and triglyceride levels can only ever be reduced by 30% at most by diet alone so even if you're a saint with your diet you'll never get them down to sensible levels. You'd be mad not to take the statins." Guess she got that wrong.

Hope your going to celebrate in some way x.

That's a bit of a tricky one Steff. One part of me says Domino's Pizza, a couple of pints down the pub and a big fat cigar! Another part of me says you've got a good thing going and don't spoil it. I guess what I'll actually do is hit the gym this evening with increased enthusiasm (I so need more enthusiasm where the gym is concerned).
I guess so although I didn't get past the receptionist on the phone. Apparently the Dr says there's no need for me to go in for a review. A bit of a change from October last year when I declined a strong recommendation for statins and went down the diet/exercise route. To quote nursey at the surgery "Cholesterol and triglyceride levels can only ever be reduced by 30% at most by diet alone so even if you're a saint with your diet you'll never get them down to sensible levels. You'd be mad not to take the statins." Guess she got that wrong...

Haha! In your face nursey!:D:D
Hi Cliff,

I'm glad you got in touch by PM because I'd missed this thread. I've just looked for it by doing a search.

Absolutely tremendous results - all of them - and in just 4 months! You are a real star! Keep telling everyone about your improvement and how you managed to do it. Also, as someone else has already said, welcome to the 5% club!

One other bit of advice - ask your GP's practice for a print off of your results if you haven't done so already. I always do that these days and wish that I'd done so in the past.

Best wishes - John
Well done Cliff 🙂

I hope mine are as good when it comes to my check up!
My results are now in.

Cholesterol was 7.0mmol/L. Now 4.1mmol/L.

Trigs were 6.0 mmol/L. Now 1.2 mmol/L.

And now for the big one. HbA1c was 7.1%. Now 5.6%.

To say I am well pleased is a bit of an understatement.

Many thanks to all of you who pitched in with advice when I was newly diagnosed in October last year.

Dear Cliff,

WELL DONE. Your results are absolutely great! I've only just noticed this thread because I havn't been around much lately.

Warmest Regards Dodger :D
Gosh Cliff, what a fabulous result! Well done you! I was really glad to see the improvements you made to your cholesterol by diet and exercise as my doc has given me until April to reduce mine naturally, as she has considered puting me on a statin.

How did you do it?

my doc has given me until April to reduce mine naturally, as she has considered puting me on a statin.

How did you do it?


Hi Karina. It's impossible to say what was the most important factor in my improved results but I suspect diet was the key factor. Maybe they all had an effect, but for what it's worth, here's what worked for me.

Exercise - I went from no exercise to 3 sessions a week at the gym. About 30 minutes aerobic exercise per session (bicycle, cross trainer, rowing machine). I am now doing weights as well. I didn't do weights at the start because my doc said not to - my BP was high at 180/120. Once it reduced to 140/90 on average, the doc said ok, add in the weights. It's seriously boring, but an iPod helps.

Diet - Obviously all the normal nasties were cut out of my diet - pastries, sweets, crisps, sugar, full fat Coke, most breads etc. I try to have no more than 80-120g of carb per day - not low carb in the purist sense but certainly reduced carb and carefully chosen ones. I try to make the carbs that I do have low GI - wholewheat pasta, brown rice. I have found that I can tolerate quite large portions of lentils and beans. Wholewheat pasta and brown rice do raise my levels higher than other foods but I can control that by having a smaller serving. At the start I tested everything to see what it did to my levels. Now, I test much less often as my post-prandial rises are quite predictable - if I've eaten it before, I generally know what it will do. I still test on new foods, before and 2 hours after. I don't worry about eating saturated fats or non-lean protein. I haven't gone out of my way to have fatty meats or full fat anything but neither have I gone out of my way to avoid them. I trim excess fat from meat simply because that's what I prefer. I snack on cheese, sliced ham, salami and pepperoni and not on carbs and, as you can see, my lipid profile seems OK.

That's about it really - it wasn't complicated to develop a meal plan that worked - the hard part was sticking to it. I feel fitter than I have in years. I am 43lbs lighter, my BMI is almost back in to the top end of normal, my waist has gone from 42'' to 36'', my chest from 48'' to 44'' and my neck from 18'' to 16.5''. The headaches are gone as are the leg pains and the constant trips to the loo. It can be done!

I hope this helps.
Thanks for that Cliff, it's extremely helpful. It sounds as if I'm on the right track then as I'm doing a similar amount of exercise and diet not too different from what you're doing.

Your weight and inches losses are impressive! I'm already seeing a difference with the 22lbs I've lost so far - makes it all worthwhile!

Keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to reply!


cracking figures there Cliff, glad you've found a way to get them numbers down. Keep up the good work🙂
I'm already seeing a difference with the 22lbs I've lost so far - makes it all worthwhile!

You must be really pleased with that. Apart from what your meter tells you, it's probably the most immediate feedback you'll have that you're doing things right. I got a bit obsessive about weight and went on the scales every other day. Now that I can see the weight coming down, I weigh myself once a week at the same time and don't stress about it if I've not lost as much as I've hoped because I know it's all heading in the right direction.

For any other T2's who are newly diagnosed, the best advice I can give is get a meter and test test test, at least in the early stages. I live in a PCT area where the local policy is dead set against diet controlled T2's testing, but I still manage to get strips on prescription. If you go along to appointments with your GP with a print out of your readings, and he/she can see that you're using the strips sensibly and acting appropriately on the results, then I think you're far more likely to persuade them to go against the PCT policy. Next week I am on a 2.5 hours education course for the newly diagnosed organised by the PCT and I will be spreading the word 🙂
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Excellent numbers.
General Practitioners are still ... general 🙄

Kerep telling your wonderful story Cliff. It should certainly help others to get on track and keep well clear of the quite nasty complications that can come a diabetic's way!

Very best wishes - John
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