Another drama

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So my levels sort of improved yesterday - adjusted the insulin as I went and only got a couple of low ketone results.

I decided that I would change were I inject in the evening as at the moment my overnight results are erratic, if you remember yesterday - it was high when I got up then dropped by 4 that is 4 and not .4 in an hour.

So this morning the results were high - but only a little higher than yesterday morning and I hadn't taken any extra short during the night as opposed to 9 the night before.

Went and fed my brothers cats - tested when came back it had gone up by 2 - but that is what you would expect if the dawn phenomenon has cut in and I haven't injected - so thought things are looking better.

Decided to test ketones and the machine has decided it doesn't read strips any more. Fortunately I have an older meter which I was unsure of but I have tried the control solution that I got last week and it seems OK. I can't ring the meter maker till the morning - but it will be first thing on my list.

Just goes to show how important a spare meter is - if this had happened yesterday I think I would have started tearing my hair out.
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