Another DDA thing again from me...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry to labour the point but silly things get my goat!

We have a new lady where i work who is blagging it about disability. Its all due to where i work and car parking issues. Basically if you have a 'disability' they give you a parking space but if not you have to park miles and walk.

I park miles and walk! New lady however, has got a few noses out of joint already about this matter as her disability so to speak is driving at night but has blagged a parking space here - it really is that simple.

I wish the DDA had a list but they don't.

I confronted my boss who said she is disabled (i think as others have said she is 'using the system'). I said a disablility is something that impacts on your ability to carry out day to day activites. I said you didn't even give me time off for a Retinopathy appointment! She responded - Well if you want to go down that road? Grrrrr....and i will go down that road in the future! 😡

Anyway the whole thing pees me off as i walk miles and get into work invariably with low blood glucose by the time i get in, have the odd hypo during the week (which no-one ever notices) and feel I just get on with the D which everyone is oblivious to (including the boss). I could go on....but won't 🙄

I am sorry to rant as feeling like poo as have a stinker of a cold. Just makes me feel I struggle in to work come rain or shine and then a new person uses disability to her advantage and i just don't think its fair.

There's nothing i can do about it but i am still annoyed and wondered if it was just me and/or if anyone else has experienced anything similar?

Bernie xx 🙂
Well i was sick at work, walked miles to my car and home now which took forever. If i parked at work I would have been home in half the time!

I care not about anything and am off to sleep. I give up struggling with the amount of stress my job gives me and find i am often talking to myself in anycase.

Oh Bernie, so sorry to hear you are so poorly :( I think you are perfectly entitled to feel the way you do about this person. I used to work with a girl who was always getting concessions becaue of her 'bad back'. It never stopped her racing for her bacon sandwich when the canteen rang through that it was ready!

I think it is a shame, but sometimes the good workers are very much taken for granted by some bosses, and it's only the ones that moan that get attention or sympathy. Perhaps it's because they are similar in character?
Well if you want to go down that road?


Go down that road? what the government-legislation-stating-what-you-are-entitled-to road??

Perhaps she should investgate a little further what that might mean to her as your boss before makign comments like that! Im sure if you were so inclined you could bring something formal against her for such a disgusting comment.
Not sure how far away you have to park? If it's more than 1-2 miles, then it might save you time to carry a folding bike in your car and pedal between car & work. Or leave a normal bike padlocked (secure U bar type lock) near where you park your car. Before everyone assumes a folding bike automatically means a Brompton or similar, over ?500, it doesn't - recently, to help me on a journey to one work place (approx once a week), consisting of 1 mile, then 15 miles by train, then 2 miles and obviously reversed on way back, I bought a cheap folding bike - admittedly, ?150 isn't peanuts, but there's a saying among cyclists that the optimum number of bikes is always n + 1, where n = number of bikes you own (I had 2 already, 1 road / tourer, 1 mountain bike). Personally, I view cycling or walking to work as "free time" exercise, much more enjoyable than going to a gym.
Playing devil's advocate here, how does anyone know about anyone else's walking ability? Pain, in particular, is often a hidden disability, just as diabetes is largely a hidden disability. There's a common misconception that disability only exists if there are visible things like wheelchairs, sticks, guide dogs etc. Just look at (especially forums) for some general views on disabilities.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't get time off to retinopathy appointments, as covered by DDA etc.
Not sure how far away you have to park? If it's more than 1-2 miles, then it might save you time to carry a folding bike in your car and pedal between car & work. Or leave a normal bike padlocked (secure U bar type lock) near where you park your car. Before everyone assumes a folding bike automatically means a Brompton or similar, over ?500, it doesn't - recently, to help me on a journey to one work place (approx once a week), consisting of 1 mile, then 15 miles by train, then 2 miles and obviously reversed on way back, I bought a cheap folding bike - admittedly, ?150 isn't peanuts, but there's a saying among cyclists that the optimum number of bikes is always n + 1, where n = number of bikes you own (I had 2 already, 1 road / tourer, 1 mountain bike). Personally, I view cycling or walking to work as "free time" exercise, much more enjoyable than going to a gym.
Playing devil's advocate here, how does anyone know about anyone else's walking ability? Pain, in particular, is often a hidden disability, just as diabetes is largely a hidden disability. There's a common misconception that disability only exists if there are visible things like wheelchairs, sticks, guide dogs etc. Just look at (especially forums) for some general views on disabilities.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't get time off to retinopathy appointments, as covered by DDA etc.

I really like that n + 1 idea!! I can now explain to my family why I felt it necessary to have 3 once (I've only got two now!). 🙂

Not sure how far away you have to park? If it's more than 1-2 miles, then it might save you time to carry a folding bike in your car and pedal between car & work. Or leave a normal bike padlocked (secure U bar type lock) near where you park your car. Before everyone assumes a folding bike automatically means a Brompton or similar, over ?500, it doesn't - recently, to help me on a journey to one work place (approx once a week), consisting of 1 mile, then 15 miles by train, then 2 miles and obviously reversed on way back, I bought a cheap folding bike - admittedly, ?150 isn't peanuts, but there's a saying among cyclists that the optimum number of bikes is always n + 1, where n = number of bikes you own (I had 2 already, 1 road / tourer, 1 mountain bike). Personally, I view cycling or walking to work as "free time" exercise, much more enjoyable than going to a gym.
Playing devil's advocate here, how does anyone know about anyone else's walking ability? Pain, in particular, is often a hidden disability, just as diabetes is largely a hidden disability. There's a common misconception that disability only exists if there are visible things like wheelchairs, sticks, guide dogs etc. Just look at (especially forums) for some general views on disabilities.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't get time off to retinopathy appointments, as covered by DDA etc.

Hi Copepod...i feel refreshed since a shut eye as was feeling tired and crotchety. I just get annoyed with people blagging it which is something i don't do. Its odd her 'disability' as she says she can't night drive so i don't believe this affects her walking or anything else to be honest. Bearing in mind its daytime when she works! She gave me the run down of all things 'Sharon' yesterday and it sounds like a blag to me.

When i was sick at work earlier, my eyes streaming and all shakey, i said to my boss that i had been sick and going home. She piped up all about her and when she's sick blah blah that point I just though two words and the second ones off !! It's only her second day crikey! I don't think we are going to get on!

I like the idea of a cheap fold up bike (i didn't know they existed - cheap ones that is :D). I drive to work and park up miles away (feels it more-so in the winter).

I hear you though 🙂 and understand the 'disability' thang but i don't like it when people use it as a trump card or when its just to gain where others can't if that makes sense.

Bernie x
I used to work with a girl who was always getting concessions becaue of her 'bad back'. It never stopped her racing for her bacon sandwich when the canteen rang through that it was ready!

This made me chuckle...i think she is going to be like this you know! :D

Bernie x

Go down that road? what the government-legislation-stating-what-you-are-entitled-to road??

Perhaps she should investgate a little further what that might mean to her as your boss before makign comments like that! Im sure if you were so inclined you could bring something formal against her for such a disgusting comment.

Hmmm i think i may mention something on my back to work interview! I'm by no means impressed either. Thanks Bernie xx
I think the regs are that they can not penalise you because of your condition, and that employers should make reasonable adjustments - though this would be to help you cope with your job and condition. I can only guess that her argument is that at certain times of the year it will be dark if she has to walk to her car.

Maybe you could say you need a car-parking space as the walking is causing you problems in your BM control. Though I wouldn't hold my breath.
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