Another day off dedicated to

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
the Big D :( Lucky for me I work four long days and have Fridays off. Since diagnosis I seem to spend Fridays running around having blood tests, appointments for blood pressure, doc, nurse etc

Today's no different. My feet have been giving me some concern, burning sensations, red patches, one nail turning white despite my readings coming down. Woke up this morning with the burning again although had 4 days last week where is stopped. I got really really upset by it (saw my father suffer from his neuropathy in feet for years) but anyway made an appointment and am seeing the chiropodist at 1pm. Dreading it.

Then its off to the docs as they haven't filled my blood test sheet in properly and then off to the hospital for another blood test following on from having been put on BP tablets last week.

At least its a sunny day here 🙄
Lynda, I hope the day goes well for you 🙂 Bear in mind that many people suffer transient neuropathy as their levels come down - the nerves become more sensitive for a while, but this should settle eventually. Hopefully, this will be the case for you 🙂
Dealing with diabetes does seem to occupy rather a lot if time doesn't it? I hope your day goes well too. I've had trouble with transient neuropathy also, but in the last week or so, as my numbers come down again it's almost completely gone.
Hope the day went well for you. Did you get the white toenail looked at? I had to get mine looked at a number of times before someone said it was a fungal infection and gave me some treatment for it.
Well had a right barney with the docs just getting the blood test sheet filled correctly - wont go into the details but it took three phone calls and a ten min chat with the nurse 😱 its like wading through mud trying to get the slightest thing sorted just because the doc didn't do her job properly.

Anyway had the feet looked at. He said they looked fine, circulation ok he took the pulse and that was it. The white on the nail is probably because they were too long and shoes were pressing down on it and it was coming away, same on other foot. So he cut nails, and dealt with the hard skin (yuk what a job!). The burning sensations he said keep an eye on, they should go as my levels improve and this was very common.
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