Another case of not....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
giving me any blinking test strips!!!

Hello all,

Just got back from the chemist and no test strips have been put through 😡

What do you do in this instance apart from rant? I'm T1, trying for a baby and competing with kickboxing so have been testing more owing to these two factors and suffering with more hypos recently. Oh yes, and i drive!

This is the third time this has happened in not so long, however on this occasion I only have three strips left to last me through till they will 'allow' me to have them....***t**ds!!!!!!! Sorry but surely as diabetics we shouldn't be told when we are allowed them and when we are not.....

Any advice would be welcomed but please don't lecture me about how many strips i should be having as i am really not in the mood and have explained my dilemma as above....

Thanks one and all as ever....

Mad Bernie
Bernie, you should have as many strips as you need in your circumstances. It's surely negligence to put you at risk by restricting them in any way! No-one tests for fun. OK, maybe some people can become a little obsessed and don't actually test for a reason, but if you have a reason for each test then they should be prescribed.

I sometimes think some GPs have no idea what diabetes, especially insulin controlled, entails. My GP, who is excellent, thought 6 tests a day sounded like a lot until I went through all the possible reasons I might have for testing. I get 300 strips per prescription.

I think you should get your DSN or Consultant to write to the GP and explain that it is essential you have the strips you need. The surgery is saving virtually nothing in the short term, but is putting your health at risk..

I'm feeling mad on your behalf! 😡

P.s. to restrict strips without giving you plenty of notice is even worse!
Thats disgraceful! I would make a GP appointment as soon as and let 'em have it!! In the meantime, can you get the chemist to give them to you 'on loan' until your prescription comes through? Mine will do that for me. You cannot be expected to manage like this. You could write and complain to the PCT (if you're in the UK?)
It's compeletly infuriating - I've been there in the past when I was on Meds, but since I've been on insulin I can have as many as I need.
Hope you get this sorted soon.
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That's disgraceful! Make an appointment with the doc and complain!!!

Luckily we don't have that problem. Last time I ordered stuff, I even got the sharps bins, even though I hadn't ordered any, just because I complained before that they don't last long. ( I didn't order any as C ended up in hospital and I was allowed to take the 5 ltr. sharps bin home with us). I can also order double the amount for holiday cover.
Thank you for all your help....Ii have just rung the Out of Hours Doctors explaining the situation and the lady on the other end of the phone was very surprised that this has happened. I used the word 'negligent' - thank you Northe for that one 😉

Apparently i have to ask for an emergency prescription which the chemist can do - not sure if this is what you were talking about Glodee 'on loan'.

Thank you for the advice about getting my DSN to write to the surgery, i shall get on the case on Monday for this as she is aware of the pregnancy issue.

In the meantime, i shall be definitely writing to my PCT about the problems i have been having and had but i don't know what they do about it all.

Now off to the i have to pay for them....mind you not at the ?25 they quoted me earlier!!

Bernie xx
Hate to say it but when I had to get an emergency Flexpen (left my Novorapid at home on a day out) I had to pay for it. Apparently you can claim the money back though.
Hate to say it but when I had to get an emergency Flexpen (left my Novorapid at home on a day out) I had to pay for it. Apparently you can claim the money back though.

Yes you are right...i have just coughed up ?22! I actually spoke to the pharmacist about this and that this happens all the time where the Dr's and nurses misinform us patients as they say we can get whats called an emergency prescription but its not free. The pharmacy can't issue it for nowt as they are then in breach for giving it to us for nothing (i suppose this is due to them not having a signed prescription at this time). He did say i should get the money back.

He was a lovely pharmacist though and i felt bad for ranting. But now i'm ?22 lighter and well skint as it is!

What a nightmare....i feel Mondays going to be taken up with writing and talking to the NHS...what a i have a funeral on Monday...:(

Thanks for all your assistance though....sorry for the moan but i knew you guys would be a virtual pick-me-up 🙂

Bernie xx
Oh yes thanks Northe i did too....i was actually quite impressed with it to be honest, it was your inspiration 🙂...i was wondering whether to attach it or not...wasn't sure if it would make too much sense to anyone but my dad was a bit chokey after i read it to him...
Bernie xx 🙂
Bernie, you should have as many strips as you need in your circumstances. It's surely negligence to put you at risk by restricting them in any way! No-one tests for fun. OK, maybe some people can become a little obsessed and don't actually test for a reason, but if you have a reason for each test then they should be prescribed.

I sometimes think some GPs have no idea what diabetes, especially insulin controlled, entails. My GP, who is excellent, thought 6 tests a day sounded like a lot until I went through all the possible reasons I might have for testing. I get 300 strips per prescription.

I think you should get your DSN or Consultant to write to the GP and explain that it is essential you have the strips you need. The surgery is saving virtually nothing in the short term, but is putting your health at risk..

I'm feeling mad on your behalf! 😡

P.s. to restrict strips without giving you plenty of notice is even worse!
could I just ask how often you get your prescription for stripss, as im on 300 a month but the doctor said some people may find it unusual for someone to use this amount a month.... just curious if yours was monthly too? 🙄
That's terrible, I'm glad you managed to get some strips in the end even if you did have to pay for them. Hopefully you can get something sorted out about the lack of test strips they are willing to give you xx
Bernie, if you live anywhere near Wiltshire I will gladly give you some. I always use the same chemist and they have said that if i ever run out they will let me have some and just add it on to the next prescription - might be worth doing this sort of thing with yours.🙂Bev
could I just ask how often you get your prescription for stripss, as im on 300 a month but the doctor said some people may find it unusual for someone to use this amount a month.... just curious if yours was monthly too? 🙄

Alex gets 400 a month - but he does test more as he is on a pump.🙂Bev
could I just ask how often you get your prescription for stripss, as im on 300 a month but the doctor said some people may find it unusual for someone to use this amount a month.... just curious if yours was monthly too? 🙄

I have recently been given 200 a month due to previous problems finding it a nightmare getting to and from the doctors to drop off my script, getting to work and collecting my prescription in the 2 week gap of being issued 2 boxes for 2 weeks. So, all in all, they didn't increase my quota they just increased the length of time if that makes sense.

What makes it worse was just today my blood sugar has been 21/22mmol all day and have only just realised that my insulin cartridge was cracked and therefore i have not been getting any insulin whatsoever....just as well i got the extra box...i thought it was high because of the stress!

I am going to ask for more on Monday i think and get this sorted.

Bernie x
Bernie, we just email our repeat prescription each month - makes life so much easier! Have you checked for ketones?🙂Bev
Bernie, if you live anywhere near Wiltshire I will gladly give you some. I always use the same chemist and they have said that if i ever run out they will let me have some and just add it on to the next prescription - might be worth doing this sort of thing with yours.🙂Bev

Thank you so much Bev that is so sweet of you. I am in Sussex so technically not that far the way the crow flies. My hubbys from Salisbury so knows Wiltshire pretty well. Your chemist sounds great and whilst the chappy i spoke to was very sweet he was not going to do anything to be in breach of his code he kept telling me!

I understand as these days its all bureaucracy but thats easy said until your in the boat when you need something asap.

Its interesting to know how many boxes you all get a month and understand everyones different circumstances. The fact i am trying for a baby and kickboxing my heart out is a good enough for me to ask for more as what i get isn't always enough.

Plus i have just thought that some months have 4 weeks in and other have 5 weeks hmmmm...may have to reflect that to them as well...

Good to talk 😉

Thank you Bernie xx
Bernie, we just email our repeat prescription each month - makes life so much easier! Have you checked for ketones?🙂Bev

I was just about to actually...and just said that to hubby...someone kindly posted me some as i had none at all. Just as well hey, perhaps thats another thing I should ask for....hmmmmm (*thinking*)

Bernie xx
I was just about to actually...and just said that to hubby...someone kindly posted me some as i had none at all. Just as well hey, perhaps thats another thing I should ask for....hmmmmm (*thinking*)

Bernie xx

Make sure you ask for the optium exceed meter which is the only meter that tests ketones using a blood test - it is much more accurate than pee sticks!🙂

If you ever run out in future - just let me know and i will gladly give or lend you some.🙂Bev
could I just ask how often you get your prescription for stripss, as im on 300 a month but the doctor said some people may find it unusual for someone to use this amount a month.... just curious if yours was monthly too? 🙄

graham is on 250 a month and i thought was a lot
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