Another cannula fail

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just had my 4th cannula fail in two weeks. Hardly had any in the last 6 months so it has shaken my pump confidence a little. I suppose its good practice for spotting them early. At least this one was obvious as there was insulin on the sticky bit when I took it off.
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Hi PGCity how frustrating for you. I have every sympathy because of the problem that I was having with my cannulas. With my pump nurse's full support I now change my cannulas every day and haven't had any problems since I started doing that.
Which type are you using PGCity?

I almost 'got used' to having cannula issues every month or so (at one point it was fortnightly), but since I switched cannulas I've not had any.

Might be worth seeing your DSN to see what other options are available.
I use the 6mm metal ones. I have tried others but without success. I think my problem is with moving muscles as almost all the fails happen in my thighs and buttocks. I don't have much fat so do struggle finding sites that aren't painful.
My dsn has been very helpful but we both know that I can't keep using my stomach area forever.
I use the 6mm metal ones. I have tried others but without success. I think my problem is with moving muscles as almost all the fails happen in my thighs and buttocks. I don't have much fat so do struggle finding sites that aren't painful.
My dsn has been very helpful but we both know that I can't keep using my stomach area forever.

I have no choice as no site works for me except my tum. Been using it for the past 5 years. Rotation is the name of the game 🙂
Thanks pumper sue. You have cheered me up as my dsn has been very doom and gloom.
Ta for the link, I need to do this in a much more systematic way.
I wish someone could wave a magic wand for me and find a cannula that will work for me without regular issues! I'm still using 10mm steel.....the best for me but still have leaks and bleeds regardless of site, changing daily helps.
What is it that makes these steel canullas fail........?

I don't use them, just the 9mm plastic one, no problems so far....

Is it better being metal when there aint much to grab on to.....?
What is it that makes these steel canullas fail........?

I don't use them, just the 9mm plastic one, no problems so far....

Is it better being metal when there aint much to grab on to.....?

The Teflon ones failed even more, that's why I use the steel ones.
What is it that makes these steel canullas fail........?

I don't use them, just the 9mm plastic one, no problems so far....

Is it better being metal when there aint much to grab on to.....?

Like everything to do with diabetes its a totally individual response. I have some auto immune allergies and the steel ones don't cause a reactions that's why I use them. I use short ones because there's not much fat on me and it hurts when I hit muscle.
Have you tried your lower back as a site? I wear mine between my waistband and my ribs. Doesn't tend to move as much as other areas. You only need a little bit of fat there to make it work so might be worth a try with a short canula.
Just a thought, are you using any kind of body lotion?? mine never fal out unless they get snagged. I use 8mm in my tum and 6mm in my legs and arms.
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