another bleeder

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
just been to the toilet & noticed that my cannula site is bleeding, its well protected from my tights so dont think its rubbed or been caught.

just done a quick change

but ive now had a few bleeders (i'm putting them in the flabby part of my tummy but my tummy is starting to shrink!!!)

is it worth maybe switching to my legs & leaving my tummy alone for a bit? (i cant use my hips due to strecth marks)
Hi Lauras87,

I've had bleeding sites before now but It was when I changed the cannula, and it was usually uncomfortable position or had been rubbing on something or when I've leaned against the work top and its been repetitive.
I've never used my legs for cannulas or anywhere else apart from my tummy in 5 and a half years.

Hope you manage to sort it.
Thank you aim's.

It seems every 2 to 2.5 days they bleed.

Hopefully I've just been catching baby vein/capillary & it's a slow bleed
Well - start changing then every 2 days on the dot, then and see if it improves things.

Don't bleed, but my sites go off terribly after 48 hours so I have the infusion set change alarm set on my meter.
Had it a few times

-Make sure you do not place them in the same location

TW I had the alarm set til it went off at gone midnight & woke me 🙄

MA I'm yet to re use a site, but I think Jerry (my pump) is getting me back for shouting at it :D
Might be worth trying a different/shorter cannula (?), just a thought, or are you bumping them on things :D
Might be worth trying a different/shorter cannula (?), just a thought, or are you bumping them on things :D

I'm using 8mm currently.

Just looked at my tubing & there is blood in it & but my site looks fine.
It's only 24 hours old.

I feel like giving my pump back as I'm fed up of the problems
I'm using 8mm currently.

Just looked at my tubing & there is blood in it & but my site looks fine.
It's only 24 hours old.

I feel like giving my pump back as I'm fed up of the problems

I think most pumpers will recognise that feeling, I remember my dtrs consultant phoning us 2nd weekend in and I said much the same to her albeit a dustbin was mentioned.
It's an absolute pain in the bum those first few weeks. Hang in there. Speak to Medtronic (if that's who your with) on Monday if you are still having problems, they may be able to suggest something to help this issue, but it (bleeding) shouldn't be happening that regularly. TC
Try all the sets you can... Took me almost a year to get around to it... Don't wait as long as I did!
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