Another basal test in the wee hours!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So here it begins a repeat of Saturday... Watch the score as it comes in here folks.

03:00 - 8.0, happy to begin testing on this but only just.
04:16 - 7.7, who's been a dopey bugger and missed one at half three and four? Also notice that the garden has a dusting of snow.
04:30 - 6.6, that's the third test I've just done, the first had my meter saying "Under 0.6, Seek medical advice", the second was 1.6. Probably all because of cold hands.
05:00 - 6.7, start watching things on BBC Iplayer.
05:30 - 6.7, looking back at the last test I did I seem to have knocked the drop I was experiencing between 03:00 and 06:00 on the head, touch wood.
06:00 - 7.6, could this be a rebound from change or a little dawn phenomenon?
06:15 - 6.3, tested out of pure curiosity.
06:30 - 7.5, perhaps the 6.3 was a slight blip? Then again I did start on a BG of 8.0 mmol/L.
07:00 - 8.8, a definite rise here. Going to percevere and see how it goes for another few hours then make any changes that I need to based on these numbers.
07:30 - 10.3, so clearly I need a little more basal from about half five onwards to make up for the drop that I made earlier on at the weekend.

So, from 05:30 I've upped the basal from 1.15 u/hr to 1.25 u/hr to see what that does. Repeat performance tomorrow from about five onwards for those who want to look!
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Fascinating how things are unfolding Tom (or am I just a diabetes geek? 😉). Really shows how fine the control can be on a pump - on MDI, one or two injections and fingers crossed, that's it! 😱
It's very interesting to watch but somehow a little frustrating. I suppose that's the perfectionist in me speaking. I just got an 8.4 before a large fry up that should last me the entire day as I plan on basal testing this afternoon to see what happens then.
As Northerner says it is interesting to see your results. Hope that does not make me a diabetes geek too. Well so long as i am not a nerd I will be content. 😛
Your results look very stable to me and I expect they will be improved still further by the alteration you are considering.
When I am doing overnight test I also sometimes end up watching stuff on the iPlayer and the like. I am always a little uncertain however whether this compromises the results at least a little because focusing on something like a TV prog is a lot different to being asleep. But finding something to occupy my mind is the only way I can do regular night-time tests, if I go to sleep then at about 3am I start ignoring my alarm.
Hope you enjoyed the well-earned fry up. 😎
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