Annual reviews...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good morning. Just read that many GPs are delaying annual reviews for a range of stuff including diabetes and blood pressure because they are too busy with booster roll out. How short sighted. Reviews are essential for maintaining an eye on these conditions. Another thought if GPs are doing fewer f2f how will they administer jabs? Behind a table with a very long needle? The cynic in me wonders if the additional payment offered by the gvt for boostering people is an incentive. Perish the thought. Feel better now having got that off my chest. Back to work.
Good morning. Just read that many GPs are delaying annual reviews for a range of stuff including diabetes and blood pressure because they are too busy with booster roll out. How short sighted. Reviews are essential for maintaining an eye on these conditions. Another thought if GPs are doing fewer f2f how will they administer jabs? Behind a table with a very long needle? The cynic in me wonders if the additional payment offered by the gvt for boostering people is an incentive. Perish the thought. Feel better now having got that off my chest. Back to work.
My surgery has not been involved with any of the Covid vaccine they were done by other practises.My Surgery was more suitable to undertake the vaccine than small cramped Pharmacy I had my booster at.
I have my Bloods done at 6monthly intervals, followed by online review from Diabetic Nurse with results. I have an appointment for my next Bloods at the end of the month. I never the Doctor for my Diabetes reviews.
Many GPs are making every effort to see those patients who NEED face to face appointments but many do not and a phone appointment is more efficient so the GPs can actually speak to more patients.
The vaccine has been given at my GP surgery given by the GPs but an efficient system of in and out taking no more than seconds has importantly got those vaccines into arms.
The cynic in me wonders if the additional payment offered by the gvt for boostering people is an incentive.
Doubt that's it for GPs (they won't get that much for it). I think we just don't have enough GPs, so inevitably they're needed for whatever seems most important, and right now there's a decent argument that vaccination is it.

I think they'll still be seeing whoever they think is highest risk. What they're asking for is that QOF gets lifted so they can use their judgement instead.
It's not just GP's with a backlog. I should have had my regular eye test last January but got a letter from my optician of 22 years last week saying to ring for an appointment, so almost a year late. I duly rang and was told there was a charge of £35. I said, I'm a pensioner with diabetes and glaucoma and have never paid. I was told the company had gone private because the NHS payment no longer covered their costs. I suppose £35 over 2 years is not too bad for me, but the town is poor with lots of pensioners and unemployment, so I know people will struggle. Is this a sign of things to come?
It's not just GP's with a backlog. I should have had my regular eye test last January but got a letter from my optician of 22 years last week saying to ring for an appointment, so almost a year late. I duly rang and was told there was a charge of £35. I said, I'm a pensioner with diabetes and glaucoma and have never paid. I was told the company had gone private because the NHS payment no longer covered their costs. I suppose £35 over 2 years is not too bad for me, but the town is poor with lots of pensioners and unemployment, so I know people will struggle. Is this a sign of things to come?
Sounds like the way Dentistry went.
"How short sighted."
I don't agree, as long as the delays are not months and months.
Its about overall risk to the population. Hence prioritising vaccinations.
Its not about payments.
Not sure it will make much difference to me, haven’t had an annual diabetes review since early 2019, and even then they didn’t bother doing the foot check. The only check I have had annually is the eye test.
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