Annual Retinal Screening Results

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I’ve had type one diabetes for 50 years, and for past 30 years have been diagnosed with background retinal neuropathy. Latest checkup says no indication of neuropathy . Even after conversation with Hospital who interpreted results, they said no signs of retinopathy . Fairly sure this not plausible. Anyone else had this issue?
I’ve had type one diabetes for 50 years, and for past 30 years have been diagnosed with background retinal neuropathy. Latest checkup says no indication of neuropathy . Even after conversation with Hospital who interpreted results, they said no signs of retinopathy . Fairly sure this not plausible. Anyone else had this issue?
Retinopathy in the background stages can come and go, it happens regularly
Certainly people do get an all clear letter when they previously have had a background retinopathy previously. The more stable blood glucose is the more likely that there will be some natural repairing of the damage.
After 30 years does sound unusual, but I expect the equipment used now is better than 30 years ago so they may be able to distinguish borderline cases better.
I’ve had a few ‘background changes’ letters, and then a few ‘all clear’ letters.

My most recent was back to ‘background changes’.

As I understand it, those are very small blemishes, which can (but do not always) resolve if blood glucose levels are carefully managed.
I think of background retinopathy a bit like a bruise or small cut anywhere else on the body in that the body can repair itself and not leave a scar or other indication that it was there, however larger damage often leaves a permanent scar or blemish.

Congrats on getting the all clear! I wonder if that coincides with getting CGM and better diabetes management as a result?
I’ve had type one diabetes for 50 years, and for past 30 years have been diagnosed with background retinal neuropathy. Latest checkup says no indication of neuropathy . Even after conversation with Hospital who interpreted results, they said no signs of retinopathy . Fairly sure this not plausible. Anyone else had this issue?
Yes I've been T1 for over 50 years and yes regularly told I had background retinopathy in one, the other or both eyes and more lately told no trace for the last couple of years. I've worn glasses since before the diabetes (astygmatism) and in the meantime also had cataracts appear in each eye and have removed so still have my eyes tested at the ordinary opticians every year - and with all the ruddy machines they now use to measure this that and the other (well, glaucoma and peripheral eyesight anyway) I'm jolly sure if they spotted anything iffy they'd mention it. Never needed any actual treatment to either eye except the cataracts.
Fairly sure this not plausible.
Used to be thought of as inevitable (so long as we live long enough) and inevitably progressive. Not so much, now: with good control (and control of blood pressure) retinopathy might not develop at all and can improve (particularly in early stages). I don't think I've ever (in decades) had a clear reading, but I've gone from needing a 6 month scan once to the more usual annual scans.
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