Annual Checks

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

My Mum is 84 and type 2 diabetic. She has her INR checked regularly but has not had any diabetic checks apart from eye screening for a year. She normally has an annual blood test and blood pressure/feet check. I know services are scaled back. Any advice?
I think COVID has had an effect. I didn’t have a check for 18 months during the pandemic, but I’m now back on annual checks that coincide with my birthday. Worth getting in touch with her Doctor’s surgery.
Hi. She should ask for the annual check. My surgery has been doing that thru the pandemic. I just ask the surgery to setup the blood tests which I get done at the local hospital but could book that in the surgery. In parallel I book a review with the DN around 2 weeks after the blood test so the results are available.
Welcome to the forum @Collar73

The frequency of the regular diabetes checks was something that was hit pretty hard by the pandemic, and the pressure that put on the healthcare system, especially with the backlog that was created.

Diabetes UK have been raising concerns about the situation for a while now, both in terms of the care received by people newly diagnosed who may be struggling to get appointments, and also with the frequency of routine check-ups and screening appointments.

Do encourage your Mum to ask the surgery for her annual review if it has been more than 12 months since she was seen.
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