Hi all,
Been a while - busy term, so not been around much. Got a message from my GP the other day to book my annual diabetes check, which of course I'll do (when I have a free moment - I'm genuinely booked up for the next MONTH). But the brain weasels are starting regarding the a1c, because a) it's after Christmas and b) after stressful stuff over the Christmas period.
I wasn't indulgent at all over Christmas (my version was half an (American) biscuit with Christmas dinner plus a few more bits adding to more carbs than I'd normally have in a single sitting - 90g rather than my usual ~30, but that was a single meal), and though my finger pricks were a little elevated at home, that was partly due to less opportunities for moving my body, jet lag/FOTF, and also just a different glucometer (bought one stateside to be sure I'd be able to get strips). Average over those three weeks was 5.6 rather than 5.3, so nothing massively different, and probably down to the different machine after the first few days once my liver caught on to my new time zone.
I know the a1c is not a moral reflection of myself, and I know I'm doing really well, at least according to my finger prick readings. I've also lost a little under a third of my body weight (100ish lbs/ 45kg from my highest weight), though I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything (and it's more annoying than nice, honestly. It'd be nice if anything I bought fit for more than 2 weeks because it's still coming off at roughly the same 2lbs/week rate!). My fasting numbers are sitting at 4.7-4.9 almost universally and seeing anything over a 6 after meals is rare. Even my little indulgence on Christmas day left me at only a 8.3 at the peak, and down to a much more reasonable 6.7 at 2 hours given what I had). But then I had similar finger prick results back when I had my last one done in June and it came back at 49, so I'm just a bit worried/perplexed/confused/anxious. It feels a bit like medical gaslighting because all the GP says is 'oh it's an average', 'oh you indulged over Christmas', or that I'm not testing at the right times, and like - yes, sort of, but also they make it out like it's the be all and end all and somehow I'm lying when I show them my glucometer apps with a lot of frequent testing, and often just at random times to try to catch unseen highs/lows. It's just frustrating and it's making me anxious about the whole thing. (Not stopping me from scheduling - that is genuinely my workplace and workload over the next few weeks and my GP not scheduling more than 4 weeks in advance!)
Basically: calm me down, tell me how to counter any GP silliness, etc. Thanks, everyone. x
Been a while - busy term, so not been around much. Got a message from my GP the other day to book my annual diabetes check, which of course I'll do (when I have a free moment - I'm genuinely booked up for the next MONTH). But the brain weasels are starting regarding the a1c, because a) it's after Christmas and b) after stressful stuff over the Christmas period.
I wasn't indulgent at all over Christmas (my version was half an (American) biscuit with Christmas dinner plus a few more bits adding to more carbs than I'd normally have in a single sitting - 90g rather than my usual ~30, but that was a single meal), and though my finger pricks were a little elevated at home, that was partly due to less opportunities for moving my body, jet lag/FOTF, and also just a different glucometer (bought one stateside to be sure I'd be able to get strips). Average over those three weeks was 5.6 rather than 5.3, so nothing massively different, and probably down to the different machine after the first few days once my liver caught on to my new time zone.
I know the a1c is not a moral reflection of myself, and I know I'm doing really well, at least according to my finger prick readings. I've also lost a little under a third of my body weight (100ish lbs/ 45kg from my highest weight), though I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything (and it's more annoying than nice, honestly. It'd be nice if anything I bought fit for more than 2 weeks because it's still coming off at roughly the same 2lbs/week rate!). My fasting numbers are sitting at 4.7-4.9 almost universally and seeing anything over a 6 after meals is rare. Even my little indulgence on Christmas day left me at only a 8.3 at the peak, and down to a much more reasonable 6.7 at 2 hours given what I had). But then I had similar finger prick results back when I had my last one done in June and it came back at 49, so I'm just a bit worried/perplexed/confused/anxious. It feels a bit like medical gaslighting because all the GP says is 'oh it's an average', 'oh you indulged over Christmas', or that I'm not testing at the right times, and like - yes, sort of, but also they make it out like it's the be all and end all and somehow I'm lying when I show them my glucometer apps with a lot of frequent testing, and often just at random times to try to catch unseen highs/lows. It's just frustrating and it's making me anxious about the whole thing. (Not stopping me from scheduling - that is genuinely my workplace and workload over the next few weeks and my GP not scheduling more than 4 weeks in advance!)
Basically: calm me down, tell me how to counter any GP silliness, etc. Thanks, everyone. x