Annoying HBA1C increase

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just venting a bit: last HBA1C climbed from my hard won 39, back into bad territory at 43. I had a hunch that would be the case, as I have been travelling all over the place for work and holidays, and given myself a few too many freebies in terms of lovely meals (still no desserts, and very limited snacking though). I guess as a newbie to this, it is a good wake-up call that I cannot let things slide. But so blimmin’ annoying!
Ooooh that's quite annoying isn't it?? Just goes to show, you can't take your eye off the ball for long.

My last HbA1c was 38, which I was totally chuffed with but I'm almost dreading the next one, which is ridiculous really. My weight is still down but has now plateaued and I have had a few sweet treats.............but not many 🙂

43 isn't too far removed from 39 though and you will soon be back where you want to be.
Sooooo annoying. Someone once said to me, look in the mirror, that's your competition.
That's not that bad - looking at your info you dropped a medication last year, so maybe the increase (Which isn't huge) is due to that?
Can understand it is annoying, but there is minimal risk from that very slight increase and diabetes management is all about balance. If you want or feel the need to tighten your belt as regards diet etc, this time of year is probably as good a time as any and maybe accept that there is some slight seasonal fluctuation. It is harder to be so active in the winter months and the temptation of warming comfort food is stronger, particularly over the festive season. Many of us are getting back on top of our diabetes management after a bit of a slip over the holiday period. Don't beat yourself up, but if you don't like the result, you know what you need to do to fix it and from your stats you have come down from much higher levels so dropping a few points should be relatively easy to achieve, but 44 is still a good result so don't beat yourself up!
That's not that bad - looking at your info you dropped a medication last year, so maybe the increase (Which isn't huge) is due to that?
In all honesty, I am more inclined to think that my diet is to blame. I guess my next reading will resolve that question, as I have no big events or travel coming up, so can be much more disciplined. It isn’t that bad indeed, but a good early warning!
As @rebrascora says, many of us are getting back on top of our diabetes management after a bit of a slip over the holiday period and I include myself in that group. This is what's happened to my fasting BG since I refocussed at the start of the year:-

I fear I may be in the same boat. I too travelled a bit in the last couple of months and so was not fully controlling the ingredients like when at home. I'd like to travel more and farther afield too but still figuring out how I best I can achieve that.
I have been diagnosed for 10 years, and generally my A1c runs in the low 30s, however, after my first A1c after diagnosis, I had a good chat with myself, telling myself it couldn’t go down forever, and that as a long term condition, I should give myself some leeway.

The general outcome I agreed with myself was I accept my HbA1a will vary. Acceptable numbers for me are +/-X from my number.

All sounds a bit wispy-washy, but life happens. We have good and bad times and times we’re not necessarily in control of the detail of our diet, but we still have to live.

At 43, you are still 5 below the diagnostic threshold, so you are in a jolly decent place.

If 39 was your best result to date, maybe allow yourself something like 39, + or - 5? You’d still be in a great place, but allowing a bit of headroom for life’s little challenges.
Of course that makes sense, and I am just mostly annoyed with myself. I want to keep at 41 or below, which is “normal” and doesn’t cause an alert in MyChart. I know I can achieve this without too much effort. I have two other serious health issues which are currently dormant, and this is the only one I know I can control, so it is important to me to keep any diabetes complications away for as many years as I can.
I also had a chat with myself and we agreed wrt Hba1c that it may well increase as time goes by. Any number between 42-48 is manageable and would require some tweeks to my diet. It happens.
I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic three months ago with an HbA1c of 44. I started the NHS pre-diabetic programme and I have lost 9k in three months from 80k to 71k and my HbA1c has come down to 37. I continue to watch my diet, exercise but I dont want to loose any more weight. I indulged a little over the holiday season and I hope that this has not caused my HbA1c to rise again!
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