annoying BS

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How many people get really annoyed when their BS goes high?? For example - this morning my BS was 9 - little on the high side I suppose. For breakfast I had a bowl of porridge with 4 units of insulin - I usually take 3 units - but since my BS was 9 I took an extra unit. 2 hours later my BS was 14.7!!!!! it drives me mad!!!! Even eating healthily my BS goes high! Whats the point in even trying anymore!!!!
I find that porridge sends my bg high, so have to use a different ratio. I use a 1.5 ratio when eating porridge, a 1 ratio for my lunch and 1.25 for my dinner. Rice and pasta also sent my bg too high, so I have to use extra Novorapid for that. The only problem is when I intend to ride my bike, as that will bring my bg down quite quickly. So many different factors need accounting for, lol. Good luck!

But what can I eat then?? cereal is out - bread kinda too. I thought porridge would be ok. just fruit?? Id be starving :(
Are you on a basal bolus regime? If you are and are carb counting then you will have more flexibility with meals. If not, then maybe it would be a good time to ask your doctor to change.
yes i take novorapid and lantus. I usually adjust novorapid for each meal depending on how much I eat but it's still hard to know how much to take. I usually trial and error. I don't really carb count whats on the packets at all. Its just frustrating when you exercise, TRY to eat healthily and I still get highs. My ac1 was 5.8 but id like to balance out the highs and lows. hard work!!
Have you tried bran flakes instead of porridge? I find that's the only cereal that doesn't effect my blood sugars. (Everyone is dif though)
You really do need to learn to carb count and learn how different carbs/starches effect your blood sugars and at what speed they are digested
Ask to be put on a DAFNE program. I have only heard good reports about them.
im going to ring 2 hospitals today about them where i know they do the dafne courses. Hopefully my doctor does not need to refer me for them. thanks for your reply 🙂
I get high about mid week. I'm OK Saturday morning to Wednesday evening, then Thursday and Firday I am high all day.

I know what I did this week, it was the Chinese take out on Wednesday eveing, I must keep a food diary...
Have you tried bran flakes instead of porridge? I find that's the only cereal that doesn't effect my blood sugars. (Everyone is dif though)
You really do need to learn to carb count and learn how different carbs/starches effect your blood sugars and at what speed they are digested
Ask to be put on a DAFNE program. I have only heard good reports about them.
Sue, great tip about the bran flakes. Had some for b'fast and my pre lunch reading was the same 4.4 as was pre b'fast. First time that's ever happened.
Mine are always crazy and it's really frustrating. I wish I was a diabetes boff like so many people on here, like having 3 different ratios hehe! Im not aware enough to work these things out.
Yeah I get pretty wound up when my BS is over 10 mmol/l. Especially before breakfast, though I can't complain too much seeing as I'm beginning to get those one sorted out.


I haven't got anything like different rations. Though my guess is that is for those who do carbohydrate counting (would someone please verify that?). I just get on with it and correct if I need to do so. Though as a general rule I don't correct until about 4 hours after a meal seeing as novorapid has an effect that lasts approximately 4 hours.

Tom H
I know how you mean. Today my bs was 14.1 and then i went on a little walk to the shop and came back and it had sprung up to 20.8. I was like woah woah woah! lol.
Yeah I get pretty wound up when my BS is over 10 mmol/l. Especially before breakfast, though I can't complain too much seeing as I'm beginning to get those one sorted out.


I haven't got anything like different rations. Though my guess is that is for those who do carbohydrate counting (would someone please verify that?). I just get on with it and correct if I need to do so. Though as a general rule I don't correct until about 4 hours after a meal seeing as novorapid has an effect that lasts approximately 4 hours.

Tom H

Yeah, the ratios are worked out based on the amount of insulin you need per **g (usually 10g) of carbs. Quite often the amount of insulin you need varies during the day. A number of people need more or less insulin in the morning than they do for the rest of the day.

If you don't carb count, do you adjust the amount of carbs you eat instead? How are your readings? because I can't imagine mine being good without carb counting.
I also get annoyed if my blood sugar is over 10, which is happening every night at the moment, i rarely go to bed under 10. My lantus is not behaving and running out so ending up high. Need to try and tweak my dinner ratio to compensate.
WOW has anyone experienced this? a minute ago i could smell an ammonia type smell really strongly. I knew there was nothing around that could suddenly smell like that so i tested my blood sugar. It was 27.5 :( :( :( Ive just broken up with the guy ive been with for nearly 3 years so yes I know it's bad but i have neglected myself today and ive been stressed about it so that has pushed my BG up. Ive never experienced anything like that, it was like an imaginary smell just in my nose... lol.
WOW has anyone experienced this? a minute ago i could smell an ammonia type smell really strongly. I knew there was nothing around that could suddenly smell like that so i tested my blood sugar. It was 27.5 :( :( :( Ive just broken up with the guy ive been with for nearly 3 years so yes I know it's bad but i have neglected myself today and ive been stressed about it so that has pushed my BG up. Ive never experienced anything like that, it was like an imaginary smell just in my nose... lol.

Have you tested for ketones? That can produce a 'pear drops' smell as the body tries to expel the ketones via your breath.
i only have out of date test strips for that. they stoped prescribing me them ages ago. do you think i should ask for them next time I go to the doctor?

I will try testing with the out of date ones anyway :(
yeah ask for them again, are they blood or urine strips? I had a box that expired because I didn't use them very often, took me a while to re-order the, they are on my repeat prescription now.
They are urine ones. they dont seem to stay in date long. I only opened the bottle last week but it was about umm 2 years out of date. I tried one when i opened them and it was negative. now ive just tested and it's either "trace" or "moderate" i can hardly tell the difference between the colours. should i just concentrate on getting my BG back down to normal now and test later? I haven't been eating properly today because ive been upset :( and im on anti-biotics for an infection, so nothing is going too well, not to mention final year exams!! oops
I would correct the high blood sugar if you haven't already, test every 2 hours and drink plenty to flush out the ketones.

infections and stress will both push your blood sugars up, sounds like you've got alot going on, hope things start to settle down

I would ask your DSN if you can get a blood ketone meter, give better more accurate readings
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