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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
its my first aniversary of joining the forum and my second since dx ...and what a change in many ways ....
when i was dx i was working as a senior architectural designer for a small localish firm ... carrying out feasibility studys for improvements to leisure companies centres/art centres ...putting in high earning fun activites, like climbing walls rope walks etc to subsidise the money loosing art centres..... 3 weeks after dx i was sacked ! recession .....🙄
this time last year i was a lonely T2 struggling to understand what all this milarky was about ...then i found this place :D
this year I am about to embark on a new job running a charity shop favourite type of shop !! been buying stuff from them for years ...ultimate recycling !! hheee
I was 7.9 at dx and 88kg ( im only 5ft 3)
this time last year i think it was 6.4 and i was 84kg (hadn't shrunk or got any taller)
now its still 6.4 kg and i am 80kg (still same height !)
What a difference a few years make x

thank you forum for all your Support ...couldnt have done it without Ya x:D

I have not been here that long but it is evident that you have a played a huge part to forum with advice and stories...........

Long may it contunue...................:D

Do you not want to get back into architecture??
Well done Aymes and congratulations on surviving this place. It wouldn't be the same in here without you and I know I appreciate the support you've given me.
Well done Aymes and congratulations on surviving this place. It wouldn't be the same in here without you and I know I appreciate the support you've given me.

hahhaaaa its amanda in banana !!! :D
Aww well done am it has been a quick year but im so pleased you have joined sweet your such a close mate xxx

Thank you for all the support you have given this forum and me personally
sorry but thats very funny !!

How so, did you not enjoy it, as an engineer I know I had to study hard to work in my industry, doing anything else would be a waste for me.........
Congrats on your new job. Reuse at its best 🙂

Just carried a bag of clothes to a new charity shop opening near us on Saturday, when I'll be away, so wanted to give them some stock while I could. So, not even any carbon expended when walking to shop opposite charity shop for food.
How so, did you not enjoy it, as an engineer I know I had to study hard to work in my industry, doing anything else would be a waste for me.........

i kept getting sacked ...opps i mean 'made redundant' ....🙄
first time in 1988 ...then again in 1988 then 1989, 1991.....then had babies and worked pt for LA (not as designer)made redundant 1997 then i returned to work in 2001 moving my whole family to north coast scotland ..designed awarded winning project then resigned in 2002 (...not made redundant !!!) after sexual harassment by boss ...then in 2003 after 8months parted company with architect i was freelancing with cos my pay cheques kept bouncing ...ummm whats next ...oh yes the last one ...sacked for being too slow on auto cad ...😱i can use it but im not a cad technician im a designer ..

so i think i should give that profession a break ..Heheeee
hahhaaaa its amanda in banana !!!

Oops! 😱😱😱😱

Sorry, my braincell left home about a year ago. I did know that, honest.
i kept getting sacked ...opps i mean 'made redundant' ....🙄
first time in 1988 ...then again in 1988 then 1989, 1991.....then had babies and worked pt for LA (not as designer)made redundant 1997 then i returned to work in 2001 moving my whole family to north coast scotland ..designed awarded winning project then resigned in 2002 (...not made redundant !!!) after sexual harassment by boss ...then in 2003 after 8months parted company with architect i was freelancing with cos my pay cheques kept bouncing ...ummm whats next ...oh yes the last one ...sacked for being too slow on auto cad ...😱i can use it but im not a cad technician im a designer ..

so i think i should give that profession a break ..Heheeee

Thats good enough for me...................:D
first industry to suffer in recession is building ...but i use the same skills in anything i do ...its all about communication and observation x

I have been in the construciton/civil engineering industry for 5 years, I was just paid off a year ago, its a pain.............some well deserved time off though, my son was just born so good times ensued.......:D
Congrats on your new job. Reuse at its best 🙂

Just carried a bag of clothes to a new charity shop opening near us on Saturday, when I'll be away, so wanted to give them some stock while I could. So, not even any carbon expended when walking to shop opposite charity shop for food.

same for me copepod ...i will be able to walk to work.... heaven ...and my local supermarket is across the road
Lots of time and money saved, with bonus of exercise - ideal 🙂
Congrats Banana, me old fruit! :D

The place is all the better for you being here. Long may that continue.

Andy 🙂
thanks to you all x heres to the next year x😉:D
ps...happy autumn equinox to you all ....its also going to be a full moon !!! who else cant sleep x
congrats am 🙂
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