Animas Vibe

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Do you like it/dislike it? Pros and cons?
You've probably made your mind up by now but I thought I'd give you my feedback on the Vibe anyway. I've had mine for about 5 months now and I do like it. However it's my first pump so I've got nothing to compare it with. I find the pump itself very easy to use and so far it's been reliable with no mishaps (I hope I haven't tempted fate there), but from what I've read the features it has are pretty much the same on all pumps.

Any negatives are minor, for example I can't hear the reminders (to test BG) especially if I'm out in company and too busy talking. However I remember to test without any prompts so its not an issue for me.

I like the Diasend software that comes with it, it's quick and easy to use. Other than that, it does what it's supposed to do.

I've had a few problems with the Inset II cannulas that come with it but that could just be me. Anyway, good luck with your choice!
Can't you turn the sound up, and does it only make a noise and that's it? The Insight makes a noise, then it vibrates like hell and continues to make a racket until you fish it out and press buttons to initially stop the racket then correct whatever it is if it needs it - otherwise it just does it again. You can turn the vibrate off, it's optional, but not the noise of an alarm entirely whatever you do. It is after all - a safety feature!
The safety alarms are loud, clear and persistent on the Animas Vibe, as they should be. It's important to put that right.

I meant the reminders for routine 2 hourly BG checks which of course are on the Libre! I was passing the time waiting on my BG to rise from 3.1 when I wrote that, so I can blame the mistake on a hypo moment! Nothing whatsoever to do with brain fog.......🙂
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