Animas vibe broke.

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Lesley kenny

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All.
Animas Vibe users.
I've had an Animas vibe pump since Dec 2015. I've had it replaced once due to crack in battery compartment in Oct last year and just noticed again it's split again.
I don't do sports, I wear it in my bra or on the back of a pair of shorts for bed. I only take it off for showers and cartridges changes etc. Not dropped it or squashed it or anything.
I'm worried they are gonna take it off me as it's happened before. Anyone else have a history of these particular pumps cracking. it's so frustrating. It's working fine but I'm gonna have to call to inform them when I get home from work.
Thanks all.
Hi Lesley and welcome.
Sorry im not a pump user but from what you have said this wasnt you mistreating the pump or anything untoward, so I cant see why the company would take issue with you, you never know when you call they may seen this is a common issue and there working on fixing it.
Good luck
Hi All.
Animas Vibe users.
I've had an Animas vibe pump since Dec 2015. I've had it replaced once due to crack in battery compartment in Oct last year and just noticed again it's split again.
I don't do sports, I wear it in my bra or on the back of a pair of shorts for bed. I only take it off for showers and cartridges changes etc. Not dropped it or squashed it or anything.
I'm worried they are gonna take it off me as it's happened before. Anyone else have a history of these particular pumps cracking. it's so frustrating. It's working fine but I'm gonna have to call to inform them when I get home from work.
Thanks all.
The only reason the casing cracks is because the user isn't following the instructions correctly for tightening the cap after a battery change.
So read the user manual again and make sure you haven't tightened the cap to much. They wont take the pump off of you so don't worry about that.
I split the battery compartment on my old Veo and it had to be replaced. I wasn't aware of over-tightening it.

I've currently got a split in the button on the front of my MM640G, so should probably call to get that one swapped too.

Hope you get a replacement without any bother.
A question for any users of other than Roche pumps - do the pump companies - once they have more than the odd person having the same problems - and having realised why and telling each caller the reason - then issue, by a specific 'Urgent - Warning!!' email to all users of that pump individually - spelling out again in words of not more than one syllable - what they are supposed to be doing?

Cos by Sue's speedy and specific reply, it sounds to me like they have - so why is it then, that Lesley or anyone else, hasn't had the email? I do wonder whether, if Roche have already sent the likes of me this email, and therefore assume that they also told all relevant DSNs - the DSNs actually stress the importance of that to someone being issued with the same pump, 6 months etc later.

We don't know where Lesley - or Mike - fall, in this sort of scenario - or even whether Animas or Medtronic even do it.
Cos by Sue's speedy and specific reply, it sounds to me like they have - so why is it then, that Lesley or anyone else, hasn't had the email?
Quite simply the info is in the manual/handbook 🙂
So it was for loading the cartridge into the Combo though Sue - quite clearly. However in use I discovered it was far easier to do it this way instead of that - couldn't see on the face of it that it would make any difference (the handbook didn't say 'and you have to do it this way otherwise you'll wreck the piston mechanism, so do NOT do it any other way') and apparently so had a lot of other people cos some time after I'd had the pump replaced with no suggestion that was what caused it. or criticism or anything - the Safety Warning was sent (oh - and you have to click a link to go onto the Roche website, to acknowledge you've read it and that you will obey. LOL) and I said to Pete - Oh sheet - look - I've been doing it wrong for over a year now, apparently my way usually makes the cartridge leak into the chamber it sits in, the insulin dribbles into the piston mechanism and sets eventually and when there's enough dried up insulin in there - it gets firmly stuck and will NOT budge! and so - I always did it their way after that - much more fiddly, but now I knew WHY it made perfect sense.

The whole ethos about anything complicated we do whether it's look after our diabetes or need to eat a whole elephant - we look for the simplest way of doing it - unless there's a particular reason why one cannot divide the elephant up, into bite sized pieces! It's always better to have things explained to you with the reasons why, isn't it - if you can see the reason for doing it, and it isn't against the law and will even help you, then you'll generally agree to do it!
@trophywench the animas pump is very simple all you do is take the battery out and replace it there's no messing about ........... use a coin remove the cap insert battery and redo the cap. Unfortunately some people are a little over enthusiastic regarding how tight they tighten the cap hence the problem op has.
Took me a couple of months to work out the easy way to replace the battery in my Insight Sue - I thought you had to press down harder on its cap before twisting it - but the spring at t'other end ain't that vicious and it's dead easy actually. Felt a right berk when I eventually fathomed it! I mean ever since we were kids, we've had to be quite 'firm' with eg torch batteries etc, so I was just pre-conditioned to be firmer than I needed to be. And then you have your dad first and then your husband saying in your ear 'Make sure you tighten it up properly Jen else it won't work' - bayonet light bulbs, etc etc. for the next 30 years, so that's my excuse anyway! LOL
We don't know where Lesley - or Mike - fall, in this sort of scenario - or even whether Animas or Medtronic even do it.

Medtronic have certainly sent out two or three alerts (no more than that I don't think) during my time of Veo/640G - mostly the sort of thing that makes me think, "Well no surprise there Sherlock!" another that made me wonder how you could actually reproduce the error without 12 arms and a spirit level, and another 'If your pump has an error with *this* number - contact us" - which I guess I would have done anyway.

Good to know the manufacturers are keeping an eye on things though.
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