Animas pump on holiday

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Evil Eve

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello, has anyone used a frio cooling pouch on holiday for the animas vibe pump ? has it caused any damage ?
Hello, has anyone used a frio cooling pouch on holiday for the animas vibe pump ? has it caused any damage ?
Why would it cause any damage?
If you are going to warmer climes then simple solution is not to put so much insulin in your pump....... problem solved 🙂 Enjoy your holiday 🙂
Thanks for your reply, With it being hot in Spain the nurses have told us to use a cooler pouch to protect the insulin from damage, however animas don't supply them. Just worried about keeping the pump damp all day in case it will damage the pump. Type 1 daughter age 14 been on a pump 3 months (so its all new)
Hello again @Evil Eve,
The animas pump is fine in water so no worries at all in that dept. There are plenty of Spanish pump users and I bet they don't have frio cooling pouches 🙂 All you need do is to just make sure you change the cartridge more often thus the insulin doesn't cook that way.

Seems a long time ago now but back along we had a very hot spell and some people found they needed to change sets out more often.
So if the cartridge lasts 5 days then change it at 3 days instead to be safe and you will be fine. Obviously just put in enough insulin to cover the amount of days you are using plus a bit more for any corrections.
I'm not sure. Most waterproofness includes depth and duration - so I suppose it would be a matter of whether damp for many hours was as acceptable as fully immersed for an hour or whatever.

Having said that I had thought that Frio made a product at the right size/shape for a pump - do they have any details on their website?

I think Sue's idea of only filling for 2 days and changing more frequently might be a good one. Warmer temps might make your daughter more insulin sensitive too.
Welcome to the forum, Evll Eve. Hope your daughter, you and all your family have a lovely time time in Spain.
hello again and thank you for help, we can always go back to the pen worst case scenario.
I will probably just change the set more often, I will let u no how we get on. thanks 😎
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