Animas 2020 unavailable to loan for holidays

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I contacted Animas last week to borrow a loan 2020 pump for my trip to USA at the end of March.

I was asked which model pump I currently use, 2020 or Vibe. I said 2020 and I was told 2020 pumps are no longer available to loan and I would have to make alternative arrangements.

I emailed my Animas pump trainer at the beginning of last week for advice and to see if she could get me a 2020 pump to loan and as yet she has not replied.

Abismal customer service from Animas and disappointing to be sold a pump with part of the marketing promise was the benefits of a loan pump when traveling abroad.

Has anyone else experienced a similar experience?

The 2020 isn't made any more, so ask them for an upgrade and see what they say. Agree the service leaves a lot to be desired.
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