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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Only you peeps will understand:

Went on internet to place a repeat prescription, lo and behold, the surgery have deleted my Insulatard off the list😱

Last review I had the DSN said she would add Novorapid to my repeats, so that I can use the demi pen for half measures that she gave me.

So now I have two quick acting insulins, and no long acting - what numpty decided that I didn't need long acting insulin any more - maybe they know something I don't :confused:

Put a terse note on the repeat order. Grrrrrrrrr..........................
P.S. - its a flipping good job I always keep my stocks up
That is annoying.

If I were you I would give the surgery a call. I have added notes on internet repeats before - and sometimes they are actioned and sometimes ignore. It depends who prints the script off.

Hope you get it sorted.
That's awful! I hope you get an apology and an explanation of the procedures that led to it being removed, and an assurance that it won't happen again! I'm not likely to run out of lantus because I use so little, but by the same token I have to keep an eye on my repeats so that they don't remove it because I haven't ordered any for a long time! These things should never be removed without directly informing you that it is about to happen and getting your consent.

Good job you have your stocks Casper, a reminder to everyone that unforeseen problems might occur and need an emergency reserve!
P.S. - its a flipping good job I always keep my stocks up

Good. That's exactly the reason why I do that too.

I've "inherited" 2 brandnew Novopens from my friend, as they put them on prescription instead of Mixtard30. Last week she tells me she was given a further 2 Novopens, despite the fact her daughter now has changed to Humulin30, which has different pens!! (I've already put claim to those too 😉)

I myself only had trouble like that once when they gave us the wrong insulin, but I seem to have trouble getting double amount if requested for just one item and not all of them.
I wonder why they took it off - have you asked them..:confused:🙂Bev
You'd think they'd get it right. I never know if I'm comming or going with my tablets. One doctor says three metformins and two gliclizide a day and the other says two and one, who is right?
I would suspect finger trouble given that there are two short acting insulins on the script.
You'd think they'd get it right. I never know if I'm comming or going with my tablets. One doctor says three metformins and two gliclizide a day and the other says two and one, who is right?

Oh, they need their heads banging together!!
My GP practice lives in the dark ages and I doubt will ever allow me to order over the internet.

They screwed up every repeat I asked for for over a year. Eventually it was the last straw when I needed ketone strips urgently and they messed it up twice - so I phoned and asked to speak to the practice manager. I made it clear how unimpressed I was, and that if it happened again I would make a formal complaint. Funnily enough, every repeat has been fine since then!

So my advice would be to phone them up and if they're not helpful enough, just get shirty with them!
I wonder why they took it off - have you asked them..:confused:🙂Bev

Haven't asked yet, but the smart money's on the fact that the DSN requested Novorapid be added to my repeats (so I can correct in half doses, due to insulin sensivity) so they thought 'oh, a new insulin, let's delete one' and chose the long acting. Probably don't know the difference between long and quick acting insulin :confused: numpties

Will ring when I get a chance, as bit busy at work🙄
Just rung - receptionist says have got my message, but cannot put it back on repeat until authorised by a doctor. She has put a request in that this is done.

Asked why had it been taken off, as it wasn't something I could live without, she said it must've been a GP decision :confused:

Oh well *sighs and shrugs*
Probably don't know the difference between long and quick acting insulin :confused: numpties

I think you are probably right there😱 It annoys me that they say' oh the doctor has to approve any amendments' but it is obvious no common sense is applied. The lancets were ommited from my daughters first repeat - luckily,despite being a novice, I noticed and queried it. The receptionist said that it couldnt have been on the request from the hospital - but it was because I have dropped the letter into the surgery myself and had a copy 😛. And, it should have been obvious to anyone with any knowledge of T1 that she would need lancets :confused:
K's Dsn agreed to add a different type of testing strips to the 'script as we had a 'freebie' meter which K wanted to keep at school - this was in May - they have yet to appear and K is at a different school now where she doesnt want to keep stuff at school. Probably turn up on the next 'scrip ...
I got lancets removed from my script because I don't order them very often and had to ask fr them to be put back on. Being cynical, I wonder how closely each repeat is scrutinised before the doctor puts his/her scribble on it? Not very closely, I'll warrant! 😱
I got lancets removed from my script because I don't order them very often and had to ask fr them to be put back on. Being cynical, I wonder how closely each repeat is scrutinised before the doctor puts his/her scribble on it? Not very closely, I'll warrant! 😱

They only scrutinise the bits that suit them, like "how long is it since Karen last ordered her test strips!!"

He halved my amount once and put a "please see me" note on! He obviously is in the wrong profession!

Casper - very annoying and time wasting for you.
Checked the repeat list yesterday, and the insulatard has re-appeared, as if by magic🙂

No word on any reason why, these things are sent to try us🙄
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