android phone updates and libre app

diabetic gardener

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have a Samsung A14, and there is a new software update to install. However it says that "after updating you will not be able to downgrade to the old software...". I'm a bit wary as I know sometimes an upgrade proves problematic.
Has anyone encountered a problem?
It has been interesting! I have had my A14 for about a year, and have had a repeated issue with my low glucose alarm since the Spring . It will sound when I drop below 4, but if I come back up to around 5, then drop again, it doesn't always alarm. This has resulted in a few episodes where I have had quite a long period being hypo without realising it.
I contacted Abbott in May- who made various suggestions, but it didn't resolve the issue, and they did not suggest my A14 was not compatible at that stage.
I contacted Abbott again last week, who informed me that 'the A14 is no longer compatible with the Libre app'
I asked when/how that might have changed.
A lengthy email in reply with included this:-

In some cases, devices may be removed from the compatibility guide for various reasons, including but are not limited to the following:
  • Operating system (OS) is no longer supported with security patches by Apple or Google and they have discontinued support for the OS.
  • Device manufacture has discontinued support for the device
  • The device did not pass testing with updated or new features of the app
  • New app and/or sensor features implemented that are not supported by the hardware of the device, technical or performance limitations on the device
  • They have given me a Libre reader, meanwhile I have had to buy a new phone. As you might imagine I am pretty frustrated!

There was other info which I could forward.
I did wonder whether others have been caught out by this, and what the best way to inform and warn people is.
Oh that is interesting. I'm glad you've been able to get a response from them and at least they've confirmed the phone is no longer compatible. That's super frustrating though. I'm sure you're not the only one to have experienced this. Do you think you might stick to the Libre reader rather than buying a new phone?
I decided to buy a new phone. I’m not sure whether that’s a good decision! I’ve not used the reader yet as you start it when you apply a sensor, and am not sure how to link it to my nurse specialist.
I’ve not used the reader yet as you start it when you apply a sensor
You need to have a computer to plug it into (either Windows or Mac). Then, when you load LibreView in your web browser, if you've downloaded the right drivers for it and made sacrifices to the right spirits you can upload the data that way from the reader. (The reader only remembers 90 days, I think, so you need to do that at least every 90 days to avoid losing data. Obviously you'd want to do it just before seeing or talking with your DSN, too.)

(Phones are lots easier.)