And the HBA1C is..........

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My very first HBA1C is...... 6.7 :D happy with that wooo!

Fantastic DG what great numbers, bet thats a relief for you the first hbA is always scary.

Hope you will celebrating some how x
Thats great're signature says it all me thinks 🙂

I agree...celebrate :D

Bernie x
well done, thats great news 🙂
Thanks all i am so pleased i didnt expect to get it today as i just had an appointment to check my foot pulses and she just told me and am seeing my dsn and dietitian nxt friday i expect they will be pleased 🙂

I didnt expect it to be below 8at least 9 as i have had a few ups and downs with eating and illnesses but i am really happy and hope those numbers carry on!

And yes i celebrated....with cake :D
Congrats, what a great result. Enjoy the cake, you deserve it x :D
Fantastic, great results hope you enjoyed your cake :D x
Brilliant :D
cracking digits there girl, brill, nice work, congrats, have a treat (or two shh!)

Rossi 🙂😉
My very first HBA1C is...... 6.7 :D happy with that wooo!

Great news, and if thats with a few highs and illness even better.

You cant beat cake 🙂

100% well done

great - well done for such a good result - long may it continue being as good,

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