And the Haemoglobin A1c is...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Drum roll please! It's 7.6%. Not too bad given the trials and tribulations of the past few months but could still be better.

That's great!
That's a good result, considering everything that's happened to you lately Tom. Have you started the new job yet? Perhaps things will improve all round now.
Tom thats great considering what a year you have had. Did the GP give you any advice on how to lower it.....🙂Bev
Well done Tom - thats great. Now you have a starting point again.
How dare you not get 7.1% as I predicted. They must have done the test wrong. Go and have another until they get it right. :D

Actually, 7.6% is not too bad. I hope you can get a bit more settled and can tweak it down a bit more to where you really want it to be.

Well done,

Andy 🙂
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Well done Tom, you should feel really proud of yourself!! 🙂
Very glad to hear it's not the 8+ you were fearing Tom - shows how much the pump is helping you, despite all the things that have been going on for you. Next time will be better, I'm sure 🙂
Well done mate! I'm hoping for a similar number when I next get mine done.
Well done Tom, not as bad as you expected
Well done Tom, not as bad as you were expecting and considering everything you have had to put up with over the last few months a good result!
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