And that's trying

Well, on a positive note you have no time below 3.9. 🙂 That beats me by a mile!

You clearly do not have the right knowledge and support if you have been diagnosed as long as you have and have been really trying, as your thread title states and still achieved so little time in range.
Are you very anxious of hypos and deliberately or subconsciously keeping yourself high to avoid them?
I have a tendency to be the other way so I usually have a bit too much time below range and very little above, because for me hypos are so easily fixed and it is much pleasanter eating a jelly baby to bring me up than jabbing a needle in me to try to bring me down..... which usually ends up being 2 or 3 jabs because once I go high, I become much more insulin resistant and my fast acting insulin seems to turn to water when my BG goes above 10. As a result it is much less frustrating to keep it below 10 as much as possible.

You could learn much of what you need to know to achieve better results, from this forum by asking questions and sharing information. It is how I learned most of what I know, along with carefully experimenting on myself to find what works for my body and the food I eat and the exercise I do and the insulins I use.
Thanks for sharing @spell

Diabetes is hard. And frustrating

But I’m really glad you’ve been trying.

Have you been taking your doses each time? And your background insulin too?
Background only with bolus maybe once or twice a week (when I'm feeling dka coming on)

Fantastic that you are taking your background insulin regularly @spell - That will be helping to keep you out of hospital, which I’m sure you want.

If you can increase the frequency of bolus doses I’m sure you’d see a huge difference in the graph. And you’d most likely feel a lot better too. Running 13+ a lot must be making you feel pretty grim. I get very sluggish, irritable, cranky and angry at high levels.

Can you take bolus every day as a next step - perhaps with your biggest meal?
Background only with bolus maybe once or twice a week (when I'm feeling dka coming on)

I agree with Mike that trying to take bolus for your evening meal is a good next step. You must feel like crap with all those highs.
Well done on taking your basal regularly @spell , and starting to include some bolus.

A dose with the evening meal will be a big help as that will help you overnight, which may also give you more sleep and help you feel better too.
Thanks for sharing @spell. Diabetes can be such a pain in the neck can't it...but you are definitely trying and that's a good thing. Keep it up.