And another newbie...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning all! Found this msgboard on a google and signed up straight away when I saw how nice, helpful and supportive you guys are.

Been diabetic for nearly 15 years. First 3 on tablets, then onto twice daily mixtard injections, then onto lantis/novorapid, then DAFNE, and have just moved onto the Roche combo pump for the last two days.

I can't believe how well I feel on the pump, it's maybe just excitement and/or placebo effect!!
Welcome to the forum Ergates as you say the people here are so supportive, my lifeline. Looking forward to hearing more from you xxx
Welcome to the forum!

First three years on tablets - are you diagnosed type 1.5 or something along those lines? I've never heard of someone with type 1 on tablets.
Hi there welcomed you in your pump thread but no harm in repeating myself im well known for it 🙂
@Shiv, AFAIK just type I, given that I was young and skinny at the time (well, still skinny), and it took a little under 3 years for me to stop producing insulin. The doctor at the diabetes centre said this was unusual, but not all that much, and that he would consider me as a type I. He reckoned 3 years was at the cusp of being considered as something else, I forget exactly what though.
Hi Ergates and welcome to the club!
Just out of interest, why did you join now, after 15 years (I have similar time scales...)?
What prompted the transition to a pump?
I've always thought that my (previous) stability precluded me from this, and the perceived inconvenience of a permanent attachment to my bod has put me off; would be interested to hear how you're getting on with it🙂
Why did I join the forum now? I was googling pump related stuff, which brought me here. I should have joined earlier, really, but never got around to it. I suppose it's also the wanting support feeling around the stress of moving onto a pump.

Yeah, initially I was rather sceptical about a pump, and actually bricking myself when it was delivered to my home. Now I don't understand what the problem was, LOL! I knew about the advantages in terms of much better and more precise control.

It's really great so far, as big an improvement as going onto DAFNE was. A pump was recommended for me because I do so much exercise and have small insulin/carb ratios, and not very good control lately. With my lifestyle I get large increases in insulin sensitivity after multiple days of exercise - it adds up dramatically each day, and steps down again on rest days. I also eat large amounts of carbohydrates to fuel this exercise, sometimes as much as 600g in a day.

p.s. love your .sig - yours is probably more accurate. :D
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