Anaemia & BG


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
At my Diabetes review in May everything came back good apart from my RBC count, Haemoglobin Estimation and Haematocrit numbers, which were marginally low. GP recommended I take an over-the-counter iron supplement as it suggested I was mildly anaemic. Been taking it now for 5 weeks and my BG numbers, which have tended to average mid-to-high 5s or low 6s, are now averaging low-to-mid 5s and sometimes high 4s, even post-prandial. Coincidence, or is this the result of my iron levels improving?
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Iron deficiency (ID) and IDA can impair glucose homeostasis in animals and human and may negatively affect glycemic control and predispose to more complications in diabetic patients. On the other hand diabetes and its complications are associated with anemia and its correction improves diabetes control and may prevent or delay the occurrence of complications.
Interesting observations @Martin.A

I’ve been aware of the relationship between anaemia and a disrupted HbA1c result for a while, but I hadn’t thought about haematocrit and fingerstick results.
Probably a coincidence, anaemia affects a1c but I don’t think it should affect fingerprick readings. I have anaemia and haven’t noticed any correlation with bgs either.

Hopefully you’re taking vitamin c with the iron and a higher strength iron than just the standard multivitamin with iron?
Probably a coincidence, anaemia affects a1c but I don’t think it should affect fingerprick readings. I have anaemia and haven’t noticed any correlation with bgs either.

Hopefully you’re taking vitamin c with the iron and a higher strength iron than just the standard multivitamin with iron?
GP recommended Floradix, so that's what I'm taking. It includes Vitamin C.
I was anemic after my amputation and received 2 units of blood (friend says he is sure it was a pint of Italian and a pint of Jamaican!). They then put me on iron tablets which caused horrendous constipation. I no longer take them but eat two portions of spinach a week and liver once a fortnight! Some factory farmed chicken has a higher fat content than liver BTW.
My sister had exactly the same prob (ie constipation) both times when pregnant and managed to get some capsules which didn't have the same effect on the NHS - but in fact they'd been banned by the NHS cos they were too expensive and "only a few people get constipated so we're not allowing anyone to have them".

Since both she and the GP who prescribed them are now both long deceased there's no way I can supply any clue as to what this magic drug might have been.