An update on my experiences with Byetta


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well, I had my second appointment with my lovely DSN this morning to be put on the higher dose of Byetta, so I thought I'd tell you all how things are going so far.

Well so far so good. It's working as far as it's bringing my BG's down steadily. I'm pleased to announce that I've had no side effects whatsoever. In fact, strangly, my IBS seems to have improved! :) I'm not so pleased to say that I've not lost any weight though, rather I've gained 1lb. Sods law for me that though, so I'm not really surprised.

The improved BG's are the main thing, along with starting to feel a bit better. My eyes are improving very slowly ( funny story here....I got all excited that I could read the newspaper really clearly yesterday til I realised I was wearing hubby's reading glasses instead of my own! Lol)

A better sign was waking up on Sunday morning to find I didn't have a headache for the first time in three months.

So, my DSN is really pleased with my progress and my general attitude, and was happy to put me on the higher dose. I came home with three months worth of pens and a pat on the back! :D XXXXX
That's terrific news Faith, I'm really pleased for you! :) Thanks for the update, I'm sure it will provide encouragement for others contemplating Byetta. I'm sure the weight loss will come in time.
Thanks Northerner. :) I'm certainly a happier little bunny than I was when I first introduced myself. XXXXX
Thanks for the update hun, glad to hear its going good and your feeling happier,i have a little experience with byetta as i was on it until march when i moved onto victoza.
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I know hun, I read all about it in the Byetta Babes thread whilst I was waiting to get started. It was your posts about not getting the side effects that gave my hope I might not get them either. I hope it carries on working for me because I was told my Hospital don't 'do' Victoza. :rolleyes: Too expensive. Sigh. XXXXX
I'm so pleased you are doing well but had to laugh at the incident with your hubby's reading glasses.:D
Hi there - Byetta Babe here! Haven't been in for a while but really glad you are feeling positive.:)
I'm doing well on it too. The side effects were horrendous to begin with but have eased off now. And while I did lose lots of weight for a while, it's creeping back up again now. That worries me a bit, but mostly I'm happy because my BGs are hugely improved so much and are much more stable with no massive spikes or falls. The PTBs are talking about keeping me on it even when I start on insulin - whenever they get around to that. I'm not sure why or what good it wil do - must ask.