An average day

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Morning everyone!

As you may know I am running a diabetes project specialising in the Identification area.
To get a sense of where and what this new product and interaction could be I need to get an idea of your 'an average day' at work, school and so on.
This could be for you, your child, parents, and so on.

From this I will be able to take moments of the day and see if anything can fit into it.
I want to make Identification wearable, wantable and more humane as from my researcg and feedback from this forum site, ID has been described as being Labelled and made to feel different from everyone else.
This is what I want to tackle.

Insights are very welcome and I look forward to hearing from you all! 🙂

Many thanks,

Hi Rachel,

I have ofetn thought I would like a stickers or something of that medical sign that people recognise that I could put on the back of my ID card for work?

I dont wear bracelets or necklaces to work for hygiene reasons but am always required to wear photographic ID that slides out of the holder. I have tried in the past to get a novonorodisk "I have diabetes card" with info on in the holder as well behind the other card but it wont.

I want something discreet. Something that doesnt screem I have a medical condition. A dog tag ID is not suitable for where I work. I would like something that says I have an insulin pump on and If I am unconscious do not take it off me, because when I wake up you will be subjected to ten shades of anger!!!!

In response to work related stuff- I need something non-metal as I go through metal detectors.

Your post is very interesting Rachel, I wish you good luck with it and I hope you are able to keep us updated with your ideas!

35mm film cannisters in fridges

I reckon the scheme where people put a 35mm film cannister in their fridge, containing whatever they wanted ambulance staff arriving at their house to know, with a sticker on the front window and fridge to say it was there is a good idea. The reasoning was that a kitchen is usually easy to identify and nearly all kitchens have fridges, which can be searched pretty quickly for a film cannister. It also works for students living in halls of residence or nurses' homes, for example, where many have fridges in their own rooms to prevent theft of food by other residents. Still haven't done it myself - I have too many other uses for 35mm film cannisters!
That cannister notion is brilliant. I'm going to do that today. We've been digital for years but I'm sure we must have a film pot lying around somewhere, if not I'll use an old strips pot.
Alison you can get a special sticker usually form GP surgery to stick in the front window, it's like the green and white first aid sign.

I used to wear a medicalert bracelet but now aren't allowed to wear it at work because no bracelets allowed. I wear a dogtag now which can not be seen under my uniform. i do want something else thats a bit smarter when I want to wear nice jewellry when going out. At the moment I go without.

Another situation in which i don't wear any ID is football, none allowed when playing FA rules so just leave it in my bag and hope to remember to put it back on.
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