Amputation figures falling for diabetes patients in Derbyshire

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
THE number of diabetic patients in parts of the county who are forced to lose a limb has fallen, according to campaigners.

National charity Diabetes UK said the number of amputations in southern Derbyshire has dropped below the national average in the past year.

The charity said diabetic patients can be at risk of losing limbs due to blood circulation problems caused by their condition.

The organisation criticised health bosses last October – saying the number of amputations was too high – and also the Royal Derby Hospital for assessing the feet of only half of its diabetic inpatients.

At the time, NHS Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group, or CCG – which took over responsibility for the area's healthcare in April – said it was working with the city's hospitals trust to improve the numbers.
I'm glad they've never forced me to lose a limb, aren't you Alan? :D
Woops, read that as 'Amputation Fingers falling' sounds much better😱
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