Amazon donation to Diabetes UK

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have just received another email from Amazon reminding me of their donation to Diabetes UK.

This is your quarterly AmazonSmile donation notification. Your chosen charity, Diabetes UK, recently received a quarterly donation of £4,093.06 from AmazonSmile, thanks to customers shopping at or with AmazonSmile turned ON in the app. This amount includes any additional donations generated as a result of the 2021 Prime Day promotion.

To date, Amazon has donated a total of:

  • £22,655.65 to Diabetes UK
  • £10,771,114.58 to UK charities

Without discussing tax contribution or comparing the size of the donation to the size of Amazon's profit, I thought it may be useful to remind forum members that they can get Amazon to donate to their favourite charity. I am sure every penny helps.
All we need to do is use when we order anything from there and register the charity the first time.
Just use everytime you order and a few pence goes to your chosen charity.
Paypal do it too, one supporter of the charity us 2 are Trustees of, set up a 'Just Giving' page nominating us to receive donations when her dad died. However they require the Charity to have a Paypal Account. So my husband - the Treasurer thereof, has done his best to set the Account up. Unfortunately they do not understand that we are not a Business and are not registered with Companies House. We are of course, registered with the Charities Commission.

First - they told him to change his personal Paypal account - which he uses for buying stuff online into the name of the Charity I beg your pardon! Oh just pay it into Pete's personal account - smells of possible fraud instantly to him, I and all the other trustees. eg Why does the Charity need all this new carp fishing equipment, a new screwdriver and stuff for a motorhome??

They keep on saying we haven't provided documents to back up our trying to open a Business Account. Even if we ever bought anything for which we could pay via Paypal - none of our suppliers - eg the Laboratory who processes the blood tests for prostate cancer we arrange - can be paid via Paypal. We can't pay anyone with that money until/unless they give us access to it anyway.

Aaaagh !
PayPal can be horrendous to deal with sometimes.
This has nothing to do with PayPal.
I’m fully aware, I don’t see where I said it did? I was replying to the response above mine which was regarding PayPal.
Apologies, I missed the earlier comment.
My mistake.
It’s fine, no worries. I do appreciate your sharing of the Amazon Smile btw, I’ve just activated it in the app.
@trophywench I don't think the PayPal approach is the same as Amazon.
I am happy to be corrected but anything I can find about PayPal and charity giving is that you can donate to a charity through PayPal.
With Amazon, THEY pay the donation whenever you buy from them and Diabetes UK have already registered for it as have multiple other charities (but thought DUK was the relevant one for this forum.)
@helli Smile is similar to the arrangement we had for although it was set up through Easyfundraising which gives donations to charities from a huge number of different online stores not just Amazon. I am sure Diabetes UK will have set up an account with them. You can download a small app which will remind you that a donation is possible to your specified charity when you visit all the different stores. It was often only a few pence, but it mounted up. When I closed the account I sent a cheque for £420 to JDRF and arranged with Easyfundraising to send any unpaid donations to JDRF.

@trophywench I don't know if it's of any use, but most high street banks will set up a free account for any charity. Probably JustGiving can be directed to pay whatever bank you choose. It was awkward at times with the DSF account as we had only a cheque book and no debit card, so I used to have to use one of my cards which I had set aside to use for any payments on DSF's account and then transfer the money back to myself from the bank account. Might this be a way forward for Pete?
No not really - one of our partners in crime in the blood test booking and chaps getting the results thereof saga, DOES use Paypal which means we have to, too if we want our lot to get notified ....... many of the local groups around the UK don't arrange testing events in the first place.

It's a lengthy saga cos this is by no means the only prob - and by the way! - HSBC are stopping free bank accounts for charities very shortly too as well as Virgin Money and their clickable link on charity websites for donations finishing, both of which affect us, so I'm not getting 'all' that involved in it.

Just very frustrating listening to only one side of the saga ie what Pete is saying down the phone (which I can't avoid hearing unless I go and stand outside the house!) and not being able to assist. He's already spent some hours on the phone to Paypal and - sorry - the fast speaking Non English accents don't help him so he's forever having to ask people to repeat whatever they say.
Arrghh! How frustrating!
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I arranged my regular donation to Diabetes UK through Charity at Work, so if wasn’t taxed. Still got that running on my pension, along with Gift Aid as on all my other donations to Charities. Don’t use PayPal at all, never have done.
Such a lovely post! Thanks so much for all of your donations and contributions to the forum.

We really couldn't do what we do without the kindness of our community so thanks again for your support.
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