Am I the only one?

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Not sure if this should go in general or pumping, so feel free to move, mods, if needs be.

I just wonder if I'm the only one out there who, at least for now, has absolutely no desire to get a pump?

I'm not anti-pump by any means, because 1) that would be stupid 🙄 and 2) I see so many people who get great things out of pumping, and I'm thrilled for them, I really am. I just do not want one for myself.

Just wondered if I was on my own on this one!
I don't see how a pump could help me at this stage of my life. I also don't fancy the idea of having something attached to me via a cannula.

Apologies if I've got anything about pumps wrong but I just don't need or want one right now. 🙂
Marc, Becky can I join your gang?

I agree they appear to be the bees knees for many people, but I have no inclination to have one, well not today maybe in 5-10 years I may, and Tom by then they won't all be pink😉
i used to think that. I went through a stage of really hating the idea, scared of it in fact.

Then i realised i am in fact rubbish at this diabetes thing, and one would help me big time.
Yeah i feel the same. I was warming towards them a bit more when I met Lou and viki at the meet-up, but since realising if it stops working you have no background insulin I have gone off them again. I also dont want something attached to me like that.

I do want better control though so when im back from oz I might consider it, or find out how far away the artificial pancreas is :D
Pre pumping it think the whole idea is pretty scary because its so unknown.

I think for me the main attraction was because i felt so awful on MDI its represented the only other option which might make me able to get up in the morning without wanting to throw up 🙂

I do miss being "un-hooked" sometimes. Its a big commitment and i think unless you really need it, you wont really want it. Because the bad of your current situation outways the bad of prospective life on a pump. Does that make sense?

I do still feel jealous sometimes of you guys that manage to keep control on MDI and that fact that between injections you go back to being "normal", but you'd still have a serious fight on your hands if you tried to take my pump away 🙂

Plus it matches loads of my clothes and jewellary . . . im thinking of getting a brand new Ford because they have a new paint colour that would go prefectly!! . . . god im such a loser :D
That's my problem though viki, I dont have good enough control at all but that still hasnt motivated me enough to get the pump. I'm so bad :( But I think I will want a pump when i'm in a better place, I dont think I could handle such a huge change at the moment.
Think you hit the nail on the head Viki. I have pretty decent control on MDI (OK, awesome control😉) so I'm able to enjoy the fact that it's only four 20 second jabs a day, then forget it. I'm still relatively new to diabetes too and still finding out what I can and can't do - or rather, what adjustments I might need to make to do the things I currently find difficult - so pumping seems premature for my situation.

If my control was poor though, I would be definitely wanting a pump - those BG levels would be far more important to me than any perceived inconvenience of 24/7 attachment.
Think you hit the nail on the head Viki. I have pretty decent control on MDI (OK, awesome control😉) so I'm able to enjoy the fact that it's only four 20 second jabs a day, then forget it. I'm still relatively new to diabetes too and still finding out what I can and can't do - or rather, what adjustments I might need to make to do the things I currently find difficult - so pumping seems premature for my situation.

If my control was poor though, I would be definitely wanting a pump - those BG levels would be far more important to me than any perceived inconvenience of 24/7 attachment.

I looked at a pump and it is still an option lingering in the background, not because of control or the problem with injecting as such, my issue is quite a lot of the time I have issues with dexterity and partook in an interesting conversation on the pumpers thread about the pros and cons.

Given the changing of consumables needed with a pump and what I think may well be trickier than changing cartridges in my new pens, I'd still be dependant on someone to assist me. With two pens loaded with Lantus and one with Humalog I can easily run for three weeks before asking someone to change the cartridges.

So I'd be more dependant if I ran a pump, I'm also concerned about the durability of the pumps, given poor balance and tendency to stumble or fall.

The other thing I seem to read, but this may be more with children than adults, there seems to be a lot of extra testing and correction or am I missing something?

When they develop a real time BS monitor built into a pump, then I think the time is right to consider one, surely that must be a 'lights out' system for 98% of the time?

So, I'm in the not for me [today] camp too!

I'm afraid I don't fancy being 'hooked up' either just yet. Maybe once theres a nice small wireless pump/patch (like the omnipod) available on the NHS I'd consider it.

Injections have never bothered me so happy to stick with them for now. However, there are days when I'm seriously sinning and scared to drink a glass of water in case I leak like a sieve with all my puncture marks 😛

@Northener - 20 second injections?!? I'm just in, push plunger, count to 5, out. 10 seconds max. What are you doing for the other 10 seconds? 😉

...@Northener - 20 second injections?!? I'm just in, push plunger, count to 5, out. 10 seconds max. What are you doing for the other 10 seconds? 😉


I was including writing up my BG diary too!🙂
I have to say I agree I'm not against pumps but I don't want one and can't see that I will anytime soon. I recently had a cgsm attatched to me (is that what they are called...?) the constant blood glucose monitoring device and I hated it I couldn't wait for it to be taken off me even though it's not that big I just hated the fact it was there.

Emma x
Right now I am on tablets, so a pump is not for me. When/if I come to that point then I will think about it and see what everyone has to say before making up my mind.
Northe - im pretty new to Diabetes too (3 years Oct) but because the first two years were so horrific on MDI, i think i might have found the decision easier because i hadnt had routine of MDI for years and years. i think adjusting then would have been much harder. Its was still fairly overwhelming changing absolutley everything after just 2 years of injecting.

Einstein - i remeber in my pump set up meeting i was also worried about durability because im pretty clumsy and drop stuff all the time. My rep's response was to throw the demo pump at the floor as hard as she could to prove it doesnt break! Frightened the life out of me :D

This thread just goes to show how diverse us "diabetics" are, I dont think anyone outside of the click realises just how different every persons diabetes is and that there really isnt that one magic answer that would sort us all out. (if only 😛)

Interesting thread topic though. Good to see the other side of the coin on pumps!
This thread just goes to show how diverse us "diabetics" are, I dont think anyone outside of the click realises just how different every persons diabetes is and that there really isnt that one magic answer that would sort us all out. (if only 😛)


You are right, we are individuals. It is good to heaar other peoples opinions and experiences. Sometimes they work for us and other times they don't.
Hi Guys im the same im afraid, i just posted a thread asking how people live there day to day lives on a pump and even though i was told many time to bite my DSN hands off for one im afraid im not convinced yet. I just cant get my head round doing the extra work and having it attached to me all the time, im not saying ill never change my mind and i know i have poor control but at the moment im still willing to give hard work and perseverance with normal injections a shot to try and get my HBA1c down before taking drastic steps also STILL fighting for a place on dafne ggrrrrr

🙂 Em
Hi Guys im the same im afraid, i just posted a thread asking how people live there day to day lives on a pump and even though i was told many time to bite my DSN hands off for one im afraid im not convinced yet. I just cant get my head round doing the extra work and having it attached to me all the time, im not saying ill never change my mind and i know i have poor control but at the moment im still willing to give hard work and perseverance with normal injections a shot to try and get my HBA1c down before taking drastic steps also STILL fighting for a place on dafne ggrrrrr

🙂 Em

I am really suprised you they would want you to go for a pump before but don's want to let you go on a DAFNE course. The DAFNE course could really help you sort things out, and you still need to be able to carb count on a pump.
I am really suprised you they would want you to go for a pump before but don's want to let you go on a DAFNE course. The DAFNE course could really help you sort things out, and you still need to be able to carb count on a pump.

Its because im not in the right postcode to go on although the town right next to mine is so im trying hard to get my gp to fund my place, they are offering to show me how to start carb counting which im going to do but for me the dafne course is much more than just carb counting - the DSN and the team dont understand that and others might not either but i really am trying to fight for my place on this course so i can help myself to a better future, just so frustrating its all about postcodes and i want to try this before i even think of the pump 🙂
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