Am I now diabetic?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had a blood test in February, hba1c was 7.2%, I informed the nurse that I had joined a slimming group and had cut out sugar, she said she'd repeat another test 3months later, my results are not 6.6 %. does this now mean I have type 2. I have lost 15lbs, I don't have any symptoms.
I had a blood test in February, hba1c was 7.2%, I informed the nurse that I had joined a slimming group and had cut out sugar, she said she'd repeat another test 3months later, my results are not 6.6 %. does this now mean I have type 2. I have lost 15lbs, I don't have any symptoms.
Both those results do indicate you have a Type 2 diagnosis. You have been given the result in the old units 7.2% converts to 55mmol/mol and 6.6% to 49mmol/mol. The threshold for diagnosis is anything over 47mmol/mol.
However well done in getting it down by the measures to have taken. Some people find SW is a bit too carbohydrate heavy unless they modify the meals and substitute for lower carb foods. As you are just over the threshold it is possible that you would not have experienced any symptoms.
But carrying on with what you have been doing bearing in mind that all carbohydrates convert to glucose. I believe SW do have programs suited to people with Type 2 so you should mention your diagnosis to your SW consultant.
You could also have a look at this link for good information and to compare with what you are doing.
You should also have foot and eye retinal screening arranged by your GP and another HbA1C in 3-6 months time to make sure you are going in the right direction.
Hi leading lights thanks for your reply. I haven't food SW very helpful and it does say you can have as much pasta and rice as you want which I obviously can't have. I've mainly stuck to Mediterranean diet , chicken, fish and salads. I am determined to reduce it further, I did it before a couple of years ago and got it down from 6.6%to 5.9%. As the lowest reading was under the threshold for diabetes I wasn't diagnosed. Never heard anything again until march this year and blood tests revealed the high reading. I admit I lapsed and started eating what I wanted and then ended up with where I am now. I do have annual eye screening but no mention about my feet.
Hi leading lights thanks for your reply. I haven't food SW very helpful and it does say you can have as much pasta and rice as you want which I obviously can't have. I've mainly stuck to Mediterranean diet , chicken, fish and salads. I am determined to reduce it further, I did it before a couple of years ago and got it down from 6.6%to 5.9%. As the lowest reading was under the threshold for diabetes I wasn't diagnosed. Never heard anything again until march this year and blood tests revealed the high reading. I admit I lapsed and started eating what I wanted and then ended up with where I am now. I do have annual eye screening but no mention about my feet.
You might do better with the Freshwell approach then as that was the problem with SW as it too high in carbs for many. You could of course substitute rice for cauliflower rice and non wheat pasta like edamame bean or black bean pasta as it is much lower carb (pea and lentil based ones are not much better than the wheat)
Welcome to the forum @joannem

And well done on having been able to get your glucose levels back into range in the past. Hopefully you’ll be able to find a sustainable way of eatng to adopt more long-term which will allow you to transition into a maintenance phase, while still retaining the weight loss and glucose management you have been aiming for.

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