Am i going crazy, is it just me? Do you get any of this?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So i think i just wanted to get some clarity to see if anyone else has similar things happening to them. Diagnosed in april btw. So i take 1 x metformin AM and 1 x PM and this has bought my HB figure to an acceptable level. However has anyone else seen the following:

1) i find myself always being tired still even though my bloods are stable all day, every day.
2) my taste buds have changed a little now, suddenly liking foods i previously hated!
3) My mouth has developed a little oral hygiene problem e.g white marks on my tongue etc (again never had this)

Just wondering if anyone else has seen any changes like the above?
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I definitely struggled with oral thrush, my tongue was so sore! Could your taste be linked with that, might be affecting your sense of taste?
I definitely struggled with oral thrush, my tongue was so sore! Could your taste be linked with that, might be affecting your sense of taste?
yes good point it might be. the oral thrush side of things mine is (thankfully) never too sore, but just a thick white layer on the tongue. its so annoying, and i clean my tongue 2 x a day and then i close my mouth and its back!!!!! grrrr!
I think tastebuds do change, when you change your eating habits.

Elevated BG is associated with tiredness. If your tiredness continues, and you are checking your BG and know they are in the normal range, it may be worth mentioning it to your Dr in case it is something unconnected to your diabetes diagnosis?

Can’t help with the oral hygiene thing I’m afraid. Maybe your dentist or pharmacist would know?
Are you drinking enough? I know it sounds daft, but it’s been quite muggy lately and that makes me more tired if I don’t up my water intake.
Are you drinking enough? I know it sounds daft, but it’s been quite muggy lately and that makes me more tired if I don’t up my water intake.
yes i do about 2 litres of water alone a day! good suggestion though
Some vitamin B deficiencies can cause tongue problems. Do you take a good multivitamin and mineral? That might help with the tiredness too.
Are you being brutally honest about your BG levels as your oral problem does sound like thrush along with the other two things you mentioned all 3 can be a symptom of high BG.
Please don't take this as me saying your a liar, just trying to help get to the bottom of it.
As for your tongue, pop into a pharmacy and they will have a quick look and tell you there and then if its thrush and its easily treatable with over the counter meds.
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