Am I doing right?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
went for my first 3 month check and got my HBA1c result. After a lot of prodding from the Doctor she admitted it was 6.2 which she said was not bad but could be better.

I had also got my cholestrol down to 4.2. I came off Metformin 6 weeks ago on the advice of the diabetic nurse at my second educational class because it was bringing my glucose down to below 3.

All I got from the Doctor was a lecture about being an amputee and there was a 32% chance of me having a heart attack within 10 years.

I started off all happy and came out a gibbering wreck.
Some doctors need shooting. You've got your numbers down to a good level and should be praised for that. My doctor's the same, however well I do, she always has to bring me down. You're doing well, don't listen to the doctor.
Thanks Alison - I needed that.

The other thing she ranted about was my self-testing (she does not belief in it)! I shall continue and when I go and see the nurse at the educational class next week I will try and talk to her and see if I can go to the hospital for my checks.
Hi Annie Alison is completely right some doctors have the tact of a hammer , you need praising for that hbA i would be delighted to get mine that low they dont have a clue dont listen and dont get yourself in a state over it , if i got those figures off my nurse id come out and skip hop and jump down the street xx keep doing what your doing cause it looks like its working.
Thanks Alison - I needed that.

The other thing she ranted about was my self-testing (she does not belief in it)! I shall continue and when I go and see the nurse at the educational class next week I will try and talk to her and see if I can go to the hospital for my checks.

Annie if she dont believe in it then thats HER belief its you who has the diabetes not her.
When it comes to testing, mine says the same thing. She thinks I'm obsessed and that's bad for me. What she really means, is it's too expensive.
Annie, those figures are BRILLIANT!!!! Well done! :D

Don't let that snotty, ignorant doctor bring you down. Some people don't deserve to be in that profession, idiot!😡
My DN and GP both praised me for my 6.7% HbA1c result this month and gave me encouraging words about how if you are a well controlled diabetic you can avoid complications and live a long healthy life, they are the words of encouragement they should be saying to you.
Those are really good results, you should be proud of yourself. I can't believe the doctor gave you that lecture, can they not see how completely and utterly demoralising that is.
Dear annie,

Well done - I echo the sentiments of all others on this thread. Your doctor would do well to remember that it's your diabetes and it's you that will suffer if you get it wrong - not likely with an HbA1c like that! Now, how about shooting for the 5% club?

Warmest Regards Dodger
went for my first 3 month check and got my HBA1c result. After a lot of prodding from the Doctor she admitted it was 6.2 which she said was not bad but could be better.

I had also got my cholestrol down to 4.2. I came off Metformin 6 weeks ago on the advice of the diabetic nurse at my second educational class because it was bringing my glucose down to below 3.

Hi there,
Have you stopped going below 3 since you stopped the Met ?
Those are good results, so well done.
It's a shame that your GP isn't supportive. Is there another GP that you can see in the practice?
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