am i completely alone in this world!?!?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
am i the only person who is struggling?? because it feels like it!!! i hate this horrible, crappy, stupid condition with every fibre of my being!!! i cant get anyone to even begin to understand how s**t i feel at the moment! i just cant deal with it!!! i thought i could but i cant. i've tried and failed miserably!!! im just not strong enough! this isnt fair!!!
im sorry, i know i sound like a spoilt little kid but im so lost and lonely :(
Hey, you're not alone, so chin up, I don't know your situation but all I can say is stick around here, ask questions we can all learn, tell us what you're doing what you are finding particularly hard, and we can offer advise (hopefully) and above all try and stay positive. Are you long diagnosed, I've only been playing this for not even 2 years, and I agree it can be lonley.

Also look out for a meet in your area, or within travelling distance, we meet up now and again and it's good to talkm there is Circle D (18-30) social group for diabetics, they have a page on face book, check it out.

Take care

Hey sianee, no you're not alone. Sorry to hear that you are feeling so down about the diabetes, it hits us all from time to time :( I find the best thing to do is just to try and keep everything as simple as possible for a few days - simple, predictable food, keep testing at appropriate times etc. and just get those few minutes each day over with when you have to think about it - go through the mechanics so to speak and then get on with something I enjoy.

Try not to let it dominate your thoughts and also try not to be tempted to ignore it - just relegate it to something that needs attention each day, like going to the loo or getting dressed!
Hi Sianee - not seen you on here for a while, but lovely to see you back.
You certainly aren't alone and I am sure the good people on here will show you that and provide lots of hugs and support.

Try and right down what is bothering you and then post each issue and we can all try and help. When I have lots of issues I think of life as a wheel and each issue is a spoke. Try and sort one spoke at a time and soon you will see a way through.

A big hug from me coming your way.

Keep posting x
Hi Sianee your so not alone hun you have all of us here , we may not be going through your exact situation regarding your dad but please come on here and we will try and be here as much as we can for you. Rossi has made a good suggestion maybe you could make a meet im not sure where you live but it may do you the world of good to meet up with some of us xxx Keep strong hun we all have these times it is such a difficult condition and it sure does cause highs and lows,but hopefully you will come out the other end.x
Hugs Hunnie x i can offer any practical advice as i be T2 but i can send Big virtual hugs x
am i the only person who is struggling?? because it feels like it!!! i hate this horrible, crappy, stupid condition with every fibre of my being!!! i cant get anyone to even begin to understand how s**t i feel at the moment! i just cant deal with it!!! i thought i could but i cant. i've tried and failed miserably!!! im just not strong enough! this isnt fair!!!
im sorry, i know i sound like a spoilt little kid but im so lost and lonely :(

You certainly do not sound like a spoilt kid. I have good days and bad at the moment and I have never cried so much in my life .... my son saw me cry for the first time ever and he is seven... but i know i can come on here and people understand. It is s**t and unfair but i am sure you have been having success and been starting to deal with it all. Rant away or ask a question. I am not sure i no the answers but i bet someone on here does and knows how you are feeling!
Your not alone - you have everyone on here. I cant understand how you *feel* as I am just the parent of a diabetic son - but I do know how hard it must be. It isnt fair on anyone - and you will have down days and better days. When control isnt going the way you would like it to - it can seem like everything is against you. Getting control is hard work and even if you put lots of effort in - you sometimes dont get good results - diabetes is horrible and you wouldnt be *normal* if you didnt have really bad days. You will get lots of help and support on here so just ask.🙂Bev
Hello fellow pastie muncher, sianee ur not alone hopefully a meet can be arranged to meet fellow diabetics in our area (gods own country) to answer any unanswered questions about diabetes and difficult situations we come across, im soz to hear bout ur dad and situation and can never go through wot ur going through?? Please be strong and post wot ur going through and hopefully somebody can answer ur questions etc, ive been to 2 meets and met some knowledgeable people from on here (forum) and theyve given me some good answers, just think of problems as a wall and not how to climb it alone but to be led around it with ur online forum friends 🙂

tc sianee
Your not alone (the vibrant progress and "community feel" of this forum confirm this).

There are days when things are amazing and there are days when the rain doesn't stop.

Whatever the challenge, there are many out there that can share your feelings.

It's a credit that you've made it htis far and you're willing to share. It means you want to get things orted and look forward!
Sianee you are not alone, if you have a read through some of the pages you will often find posts from people despairing. You are stronger than you think, you are having to cope with managing your condition and trying to cope with your Dad, that is not easy for anyone and is possibly wearing you down.

Go and speak to your GP and explain how you feel, if you think you will loose the words when you get there, write it down and hand it over. Just writing it down may help you focus on where you are struggling and give you an insight into turning stuff around. The GP may be able to offer or suggest some practical support for you.

You are beating yourself up for what you perceive as failing - but your not failing you are coping with so much and sometimes we need people to help us along a bit. You are really very strong and no one can cope with being in a state of perpetual stress without it having some knock on effect.

If you have any specific areas you would like help on - I am sure someone will be able to help. In the meantime I am sending you lots of virtual hugs.
Hi Sianee,

Hv just seen this thread and do hope you are feeling a little betta today!

We (forum members) are all on the same journey, whether we're T1, T2 or we care for someone with this wretched disease! So you are deffinately not alone, so let it all out on here at least you know we will understand where your comin from, and there is always someone on here who can usually help.

so take care of yourself,

big hugs and love Shirl x
You're deffinately not alone, some days diabetes sucks more than others. And the basic level of suckiness is pretty high anyway. 🙂

Hope you feel happier soon, you're more than intitled to feel sorry for yourself once in a while

Hope you feel better today, I've just joined after just being diagnosed with T2, Know a little how you feel, but with good help and support from people on this forum etc, things can only get better.

chin up

Best wishes
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