Am I being fobbed off?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A long story cut short. I recently had some strange feelings and wondered if maybe I was pre-diabetic. I am overweight (obese) but active and a friend recommended a Glucose meter. My results were very high at 15 mmol which frightened me. I made an appointment with a specialist Diabetic sister at my local GP surgery and arranged blood tests a week later. I showed her my logged results which she agreed were very poor. In the meantime I started eating healthier and avoided high GI foods such as bread etc. My glucose levels are better but I would say the average is about 10 to11mmol. I occasionally get food spikes up to 16 mmol (). My waking glucose levels are 50% normal but are 8 mmol usually. Today my results came through as normal. When I told the receptionist about my own high glucose readings she looked at the list but could not find any results referring to glucose or diabetes. She is not a healthcare professional and may not be aware at what she is looking for. When talking to the Sister my only symptoms were a few instances of feelings of weakness from my lungs (hard to explain) and we went down the ECG route too (all well). What now? Is it possible the Sister will contact me separately? I honestly believe they have not performed any Glucose test or Hba1c test whatsoever. I have now arranged for a telephone consultation with my GP in two weeks time. So I feel that I have wasted a week. It is good that my other results are fine but I am really worried about the high glucose levels...
i would call again and ask what the hba1c number actually is, when i had the blood test 3 months after diagnosis a receptionist told me its normal, but the actually figure was 53, she even suggested i didn't need to have an appointment with the practice nurse, but forntunately that was already booked the following week, and the practice nurse wasn't happy that the receptionist had given such advice!
I agree you should ask what the HBA1C is! My surgery has a dedicated results line.
Hba1c cut-off is 48 if your bmmols are10 to 11 it could be within the normal or prediabetic range I would always speak to Gp or nurse and get prof advice, You have an appointment, and hopefully will get your blood checked. All I would advise is you do cut back on sugar and lots of high-carb foods until you find out. NB I said cut back d
o not stop all until any professionals say to do. Just try to eat as healthy. Try speaking to the helpline here too.
As you suspect I think that they may not have done an HbA1C test as the readings you are getting would almost certainly put you in the diabetic zone or the very least prediabetic.
Remember though they are somewhat different measurements, HbA1C is an average blood glucose over the previous three months and is in mmol/mol and you results from your monitor is a spot test in mmol/l so a moment in time and will depend on a number of factors, mainly what you have eaten but also other things as well.
With well managed diabetes the aim is for 4-7 mmol/l fasting /morning or before meals and no more than 8mmol/l 2 hours after meals.
Your readings do seem somewhat high but it will depend on exactly when you have tested.
Do check that they actually did the HbA1C test and get the actual number. If it is indeed normal (below 42mmol/mol) then it would be worth doing some strategic testing to gather evidence for your GP.
Really annoyed at the lack of professionalism. The lady who I spoke to on the phone originally said my results were all clear. I queried the Glucose/diabetic result and then she said my kidney function was slightly impaired and needed a retest !! Not sure if any Doctor or nurse has even looked at them apart from the receptionist. Also, whilst waiting in the phone queue it said you can access your own results online, but you cannot because the Practice does not allow this, so why mention it. Would be great if you could....
Really annoyed at the lack of professionalism. The lady who I spoke to on the phone originally said my results were all clear. I queried the Glucose/diabetic result and then she said my kidney function was slightly impaired and needed a retest !! Not sure if any Doctor or nurse has even looked at them apart from the receptionist. Also, whilst waiting in the phone queue it said you can access your own results online, but you cannot because the Practice does not allow this, so why mention it. Would be great if you could....
Don’t know where you live but I’m registered through My chart is it possible your surgery is in this app? I don’t know where you are based just I get my result before my Go does
Really annoyed at the lack of professionalism. The lady who I spoke to on the phone originally said my results were all clear. I queried the Glucose/diabetic result and then she said my kidney function was slightly impaired and needed a retest !! Not sure if any Doctor or nurse has even looked at them apart from the receptionist. Also, whilst waiting in the phone queue it said you can access your own results online, but you cannot because the Practice does not allow this, so why mention it. Would be great if you could....
By law you have to have access to your results/medical records on line unless a medical reason not to do so. So request this in writing.
Can you book an apt online? if so then check you have ticked the right boxes to allow you access.
How frustrating not to be given access to your actual numbers @Keinerboy - do press for this. Some surgeries need to set a flag on their system to release the data (and you may have to fill in a form) but they are YOUR results, and you have every right to access them.

Apps like the NHS app and Patient Access have a GP Record section which lists your test results as soon as they are logged - which removes any need to bother the receptionists for the information you are after.
Well...after a week I finally received my HbA1C result. They had done it after all, but I don't know why it did not come through with the rest of the results. It is high, 61mmol/mol which I suspect is not good. I need a re-test next week and hopefully that will be better. Is that actual diabetes or pre-diabetes. I am obese in my early sixties. Thanks for all the responses.
Well...after a week I finally received my HbA1C result. They had done it after all, but I don't know why it did not come through with the rest of the results. It is high, 61mmol/mol which I suspect is not good. I need a re-test next week and hopefully that will be better. Is that actual diabetes or pre-diabetes. I am obese in my early sixties. Thanks for all the responses.
You are well and truly in the diabetes range with a score of 61. Good news though is you know this so can start to change things now rather than waiting for another test, which I suspect will be rejected by the lab as there needs to be 3 months between tests.
I am told it is diabetes and the fact your obese it makes me think you might have insulin resistance . There is hope . Have you been given a diet to follow ? Or medication or are they going to do another to just see if it stabilises? Everywhere is different I think 48 is cut of for diabetes 42 for pre diabetes but most of the time it’s really just investigating and getting it under control . If obese the mantra is lose weight. Not very easy as hunger is part of this . They wish us to exercise more again not easy if in pain and keep fluids up . I believe most say low carb works best for them. It’s really a choice on this site there are many diet types to follow. It’s really what works best for you. All the best .
I don't have access to my test results on line - and I am told that since I was 40 I have had an annual health review - which is news to me...
It is all very well to have the right - but when a surgery simply doesn't comply I really don't know what can be done.
As others have said, you are in the type 2 range - but not as far as I was, I began at 91, but I reversed it, was told I had achieved remission and am going along happily - having to make or buy new clothes from times to time as my shape changes. I was ( ) but now becoming more ) ( and it is so great not to even have to think about my weight any more.
I don't have access to my test results on line - and I am told that since I was 40 I have had an annual health review - which is news to me...
It is all very well to have the right - but when a surgery simply doesn't comply I really don't know what can be done.
As others have said, you are in the type 2 range - but not as far as I was, I began at 91, but I reversed it, was told I had achieved remission and am going along happily - having to make or buy new clothes from times to time as my shape changes. I was ( ) but now becoming more ) ( and it is so great not to even have to think about my weight any more.
it might that you have done and proven so well you cope that fewer checks are needed. You have done amazing and well done . It is I think a postcode lottery if your hospital does not use one of the apps . I get lone very easily on the My chart and signing in. I love knowing where I am but have not achieved the weight loss nor the blood sugars you have so well done
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