Am confused about blood pressure

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can someone please explain what is classed as good and bad in terms of blood pressure. I know that i am borderline high with my BP and know that if i don't manage to lose some weight i will prob have to go on meds for it but what i am confused about is the top and bottom figure. I used to think that to top figure didn't matter so much but that the bottom figure was the important one but then someone at work said that the top figure is just as important as the bottom - can someone explain please? thanks
Both numbers are important, but I have also read recently that the diastolic, or lower, figure is the more important of the two. Usually, the two numbers tend to follow each other. I've been told to try and get mine to 130/80 (or below) if I want to come off medication. Mine is currently something like 145/90, so I'm on pills for it.

I'm not sure that weight is such a deciding factor as there are many people who might be classed as overweight but who have excellent blood pressure - like everything, it's complicated! 🙄 My doctor did suggest, however, that my recent weight increase might be a contributing factor to my high BP, although I'm pretty sure it's the booze! Have stopped boozing to see if I'm right!
As always, Northerner (Alan) you come back with sensible answers and rationalise things. I do honestly think that in Jan if nothing has changed i will be put on meds but it will be OK and maybe come off them at some point if i carry on with lifestyle changes. Yes, i know what you mean about overweight does not necessarily go hand in hand with high BP as we have a lecturer at work who is stick thin and she says that her BP is high and she knows that if she went to the GP she'd be put on meds (i personally think she's silly not to go but i thinks she's in denial) but then i think it's her job and stress related in her case. It is very hard to keep things in control cos i too love my wine and won't/can't give that up lol! and i used to smoke and sometimes wish i could go back to those carefree days (in the 70's) where it was smoking, drinking (brandy & babycham, martini & lemonade) disco music etc lol! - those were the days! 🙂
Carina, the ideal bp as Northerner has pointed out is 130/80 for people with diabetes, but should the patient already have diabetic complications it is wise to lower the bottom figure to 70 if possible. When I developed retinopathy 12 years back I was told to keep bp under 130/70 as this would benefit my eyes and lessen the complications in the long term. It's said that elevated bp is as harmful as raised bg, this is why it is advisable to have it checked regularly and take any medicines prescribed to lower high bp. Exercise, weight loss, stopping smoking and drinking sensibly all help to lower bp, and including certain foods like beetroot, bran, oats, pumpkin seeds, onions and garlic are all good for helping keep bp in check. Buy yourself a home monitoring bp meter, go for the upper arm type and I can highly recommend the Omron meters which are around the ?20-30 in most chemists. Toby.
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