

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Started this week with my Oviva/Altralife plan. Didn’t start great as the flavour kept repeating on me but onwards again after a chat with my DB as I need to get the HBA1C down dramatically. Any experiences or tips anyone please.
Started this week with my Oviva/Altralife plan. Didn’t start great as the flavour kept repeating on me but onwards again after a chat with my DB as I need to get the HBA1C down dramatically. Any experiences or tips anyone please.
Hi, and welcome to the forum. You say you have to get your HbA1c down dramatically but how high is it? The usual strategy for bringing it down is through a combination of diet, being more active, losing weight (if needed) and medication (if prescribed). I think we have members who've done or are doing Oviva but I've not come across Altralife, which seems to be a supplier of Diet Replacement products for the NHS Low Calorie Diet.
Hi yes it is through Oviva

Hba1c 68 been climbing up and down for many years but this is the highest

On metformin and alogliptin but they feel this could work for me. I’ve tried all sorts of diets over the years and still at this point. I’ve been very apprehensive yet grateful to qualify and have the chance.
I suggested low carb and exercise but this they want to try first …..
68 is high but many of us have started from higher, sometimes from 3 figures, but have been successful in turning things around. I am a bit surprised that they suggested going low calorie rather than low carb as the latter has proven to be effective both in reducing BG and subsequently in ongoing management, but I suppose time will tell.