Alternatives to Guardian 4 oval tapes & Detachol

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone,

I've recently started using the Guardian 4 sensors and so far it's going really well, the only issue I'm having at the moment is the pesky oval tapes. I know with practice it will probably get easier to put them on but just wondered if anyone using the Guardian 4 sensors uses alternative tapes to keep the sensors in place? Also, Detachol adhesive remover has been recommended to me for removing the sticky residue off the transmitter, are there alternatives to this too, please?
Final question for now, I've read that some people are using the top part of their legs to insert the sensors, I'm keen to try this but I wear either jeans or leggings daily and wondered if this would cause an issue with rubbing or dislodging the sensor.

Hi @SamanthaLucy

I also found the oval tapes awkward to attach on my arms, but fortunately have a ’spare pair of hands’ available to do this. I have only had to do this myself three times and on those occasions switch to my abdomen.

About three weeks ago I switched to using Not Just A Patch (available in the Diabetes UK shop and cheaper there than elsewhere) . So much easier. They stick for the full week and come off the transmitter on change over day without a load of sticky residue. I use the full sticky pad, removing the cover in the centre.

Any other questions welcome.
Hi @SamanthaLucy

I also found the oval tapes awkward to attach on my arms, but fortunately have a ’spare pair of hands’ available to do this. I have only had to do this myself three times and on those occasions switch to my abdomen.

About three weeks ago I switched to using Not Just A Patch (available in the Diabetes UK shop and cheaper there than elsewhere) . So much easier. They stick for the full week and come off the transmitter on change over day without a load of sticky residue. I use the full sticky pad, removing the cover in the centre.

Any other questions welcome.
Thanks @SB2015

These sound ideal, I'll go take a look.

Just wondered if you use a barrier cream as well, the only reason I ask is that there was a fault on the sensor I was wearing yesterday so had to change to a new one. When I was peeling off the oval tapes it left a red mark on my skin that was pretty sore. Would I even need a barrier cream if I switched to the Not Just A Patch?

Sorry for all the questions, but really appreciate the advice so thank-you again.
Thanks @SB2015

These sound ideal, I'll go take a look.

Just wondered if you use a barrier cream as well, the only reason I ask is that there was a fault on the sensor I was wearing yesterday so had to change to a new one. When I was peeling off the oval tapes it left a red mark on my skin that was pretty sore. Would I even need a barrier cream if I switched to the Not Just A Patch?

Sorry for all the questions, but really appreciate the advice so thank-you again.
If you react to the oval tapes and wanted to continue using those you may find it eas8er to use an alternative tape, that you don’t react to, under the oval ones. Or you could use a barrier cream. With Not Just A patch I don’t need a barrier cream, but again it depends on whether you react to the glue.

I had one sensor with which something went wrong and I had a very sore arm when I took it off. That is one in three years. So that could have just been an unfortunate start. Otherwise I get a bit of a tug with the oval tapes and get a bit of redness at the lower part of it. With Not Just A Patch I have had none of these.

It is all a case of trial and improvement to find what works for you.
Keep the questions coming. It is no problem.
Hi Everyone,

I've recently started using the Guardian 4 sensors and so far it's going really well, the only issue I'm having at the moment is the pesky oval tapes. I know with practice it will probably get easier to put them on but just wondered if anyone using the Guardian 4 sensors uses alternative tapes to keep the sensors in place? Also, Detachol adhesive remover has been recommended to me for removing the sticky residue off the transmitter, are there alternatives to this too, please?
Final question for now, I've read that some people are using the top part of their legs to insert the sensors, I'm keen to try this but I wear either jeans or leggings daily and wondered if this would cause an issue with rubbing or dislodging the sensor.

I found I'm allergic to the oval tapes. And Medtronic sent some iv3000 to try and some tegaderm. You can phone them to ask. In the end I have managed to use Mepitel one under the sensor ( cutting a hole) and Mepitel as a cover instead of oval tapes. Works a treat for me. Also I use my outer thigh with no problems. I place the sensor vertically and all is good
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